U guys have probably done this B4, but what r ur favorite station pranks?
I was all over the place: short-sheetin beds, shaving cream in the boots, billiard balls in helmets, saran wrap the toilets, but my favorite (it never failed to scare the hell out of 'em @ 2 AM) was with battery switches off, turn EVERYTHING on on EVERY unit. Yeah, I'm a sick, sadistic little SOB!

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We have record on our pagers so that when there is a call the voice portion is recorded. One day I had two of our Juniors at my house and since we had had a call that day the recorded call was on my pager. I hit the record button which replayed the tones and the voice message. Even though their pagers didnt go off they jumped up and drove to the station. I waited a while then drove to the station. There they were with all their gear on looking confused. I walked up to them and hit the button again. They wanted to hit me. LOL
Yeah I think that is a bit over the line.
You did not roll the windows down a few inches and lock the doors with the keys visible on the dash? We did that but we filled the cab of his truck with newspaper. Don't ask were we got that much paper.
I agree, I think that would be a suspension at the least with our chief.
Haven't done it in our station, but heard of putting Kool-Aid in structure gloves, and dried mashed potatoes in boots.
The best one we ever did was to a certain individual on the dept. that nobody really liked. He had a new 4 wheel drive pick up that he was so proud of he was always bragging about it. So one day we had a parade detail and he went. Some of us remained at the station for "station coverage". And he was really careful about making sure we all knew that he locked his truck and set the alarm and took his keys. Cause you know someone might steal his truck at our station in a town of 1500 at the time when everyone was at the parade. Well we decided to get him good. Someone went home and got 4 pieces of fire wood about the same height and we got out the floor jack. Proceeded to jack up his truck ever so carefully so as not to damage it. And put the firewood under the axles so as to keep the tires off the ground about 2 to 3 inches. Just enough to not be noticed. Well he got back from the parade and went to check on his baby. Never noticed a thing. We washed the trucks and did some other stuff around the station for about the next 6 hours with him checking his truck every half hour or so. Then we all decided to head to the local coffee shop for a quick bite to eat and then head home. So we all got in our old trucks and went around the block to watch. He got in and tried to back out to no avail. Got out walked around his truck and got in tried again to no avail, did another walk around and then put it in 4 wheel and tried again, still nothing of course. By now he is beet red and swearing up a storm. Well we all pulled back in and asked what was wrong. He said it had to the the tranny cause his truck would not go. So one of us told him to try it and see if we could push him to get him going. Well we pushed and the truck dropped off the blocks of wood and with a big bang he was moving. When he finally realized what we did he was not sure whether to be mad or laugh. After a while he just started laughing. And yes koolaid does turn you colors. That was the pay back a couple weeks later.
We used confetti. Easier to clean up, didn't piss the Chief off.
best ones I've been the victim of: An IV bag between the mattresses with the line run up under my sheets. I laid down, and about ten minutes later woke up with a wet spot. Took me 30 minutes of sneaking bedding out to realize it wasn't me! The other was someone put xylocaine jelly on one of my door handles. About ten minutes after opening the door, my fingers were completely numb! We always ahve the same rules as most everyone else though. no messing with gear, and no screwing with the rigs. Lots of clothing ended up in the freezer, and a couple of the Asst Chiefs shirts found their way to all sorts of strange places! As for the new guy jokes, we always had them check the suspension on the tender by jumping up and down on the tank. Or get an exhaust sample from one of the rigs. All you see is this poor kid holding a big black trash bag around the tail pipe for an hour. Then theres the ID10t form they searched the entire station for for hours on end!
Take the new bloke at a drill and tell him he has to be the patient. Package him into the stokes, make sure he is nice and snug then carry him out to the yard. Connect the stokes to the whips, hoist him up about half a meter, wet him and put the ppv on him while we sit down to dinner! Funny as shit, It happened to me in winter!

Then there is always the old boot polish on the chinstrap trick
Gear has always been off limits for pranks at my station. The rule was set in place for obvious reasons. One thing guys really liked to do was put a couple handfuls of uncooked white rice in your boots. OUCH!!! Walk around in those for a few hours on a scene and your feet are bleedin.

One way we always get the girls on the dept. is to dress up rescue randy in a set of gear and set him on the toilet in the womens bathroom. That usually gets a good scream
when i was a probie i had the guys fill my boots half way up with water and then when we got toned out i just ran over a put them on man was that a surprise at 3 am (nice guys that they are they had another pair of boots waiting but have you ever tried to change boots with you buker pants on while haveing the officer yelling at you to hurry up yes he was part of it)
I would go into the bunk room take blankets and sheets off of peoples beds, then put the mattress underneath the box spring. I would then remake their bed. It worked great when it was dark in the room and they would just hop in bed..

We also had to medics parked right beside the doors from the lounge to the bay, we would get on top of them on person would have a bucket of water, the other would have a bag of flour. We would get dispatch to radio a crew for a run. Then as they come out they got "tared and feathered".

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