U guys have probably done this B4, but what r ur favorite station pranks?
I was all over the place: short-sheetin beds, shaving cream in the boots, billiard balls in helmets, saran wrap the toilets, but my favorite (it never failed to scare the hell out of 'em @ 2 AM) was with battery switches off, turn EVERYTHING on on EVERY unit. Yeah, I'm a sick, sadistic little SOB!

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Sometimes when our guys go out of town for classes or FDIC, they leave their cars parked at the station. One guy wasn't smart enough to either take his keys with him or hide them. The first thing he saw when he got back was the 500 balloons we filled and put into his car. Then he noticed the occasional lubricated condom. One on his antenna, one on his gear shifter, one tied around his steering wheel, one covering his rearview mirror, and a few blown up like balloons and tossed in his car. When he finally cleaned them out and went to leave, he turned on his radio and noticed that not only was the volume all the way up, but we had put a CD in his CD player and set it to a song that talked about masturbation. When he launched that out the window, it was then that he noticed that we had preset all his radio stations to the same spanish language station.
my station chiefs get so pissed at practical jokes that mess with gear...but some are so damn funny...switch fire boots into the wrong leg and turn them backwards.......
if someone keeps their pass tags on thier helmet hook the tags to the helmet and the bunker rack(if you can) wait for a call and laugh as the grab their helmet and run while pulling down the whole rack....
another good one...i was doing a storm standby overnight and the first one to pass out gets woken up with the scba pass alarm going off in their face(the kid looked like he had a ciesure) also good is waking them up with pots and pans
I have been in the fire service a long time. I have been on the receiving end and the giving end of many pranks. I think that, properly done, pranks are a good thing as well as a tradition. However, after reading some of your comments, I had to reply. There are certain things that should NEVER EVER be messed with. These things include bunker gear and apparatus. By messing with this stuff, you are endangering your fellow firefighters and the general public. I know if I ever caught someone messing with bunker gear or apparatus or equipment, I would be certain to report them immediately.
Sorry But you NEVER EVER mess with someones gear.....anything else is fair game though......LOL Paul
Joe I always enjoyed a dab of black show polish on the Black department phone reciever,and witnessed a rookie who'd tryed to "get someone back" who actually got The Battalion Chief... who walked out to the the car with a black ear... ..lol baking powderin the sack on white sheets is nicer then baby powder, Graphite is "nicer then Black pepper" lol
a fuzzy toy mouse strung with fishing line above someones bunk ..... I used My reel ,hidden behind/under my bed from 20 feet away... strung the line up into the drop ceiling and across the room, weighted below the ceiling and spent a lot of time tormenting the guy... lol .... a few months later someone found a field mouse attached to a stickytrap, alive... upon my suggestion he took the trap in and stuck it to the guys headboard while he was sleeping The first squeek from the mouse he tossed the trap across the floor and of course under the perp's bed... Now this is where it gets funny.... the mouse's squeeking gets him thinking so he feels bad, gets up, dressed and takes the mouse out to remove it from the trap, after some trys he finds degreaser breaks down the glue but covers the mouse, so he bathes the mouse and promptly takes it outside to release it... The sad part was It was about -12 degrees out.. so then he spent the night up worrying about the mouse....lol
as part of the usual schenanigans when one of our previous rookies went through he was hardly a ball of fire and didnt seem to understand or care when Itryed to explain, that With My 18 years "IN THIS FIREHOUSE" youdont often see me sitting IFO the boob tube at night muchless at 10:30 am so , I figured Itwas time to take care of things..... I gota cardboard box and set it up with a rope through it reinforced the area the rope would affect , and filled thebox with enough junk to stabilize it, I Marked the side of the box "FREE KITTENS" in huge letters and made some "airholes" ...That night I set it up tied it off under his pickup and the next morning hung outto watch .... as he drove off over the curb the box dropped down and therope deployed beautifully the box was about 12 feet behind.... I got to the intersection the light was red for me (an 4 others behind me in on it) as he drove across and onto the highway on ramp.... about an 1/8 of a mile down the road sat a State trooper who pulled him over reading him the riot act , The trooper was on the job 8 months himself ... but aside from him saying he was a rookie firefighter, the trooper was hammering him about being aware of his vehicle and nearly pinched him.....The funnyPart was when I got back to work that night, The Shift Sergeant called me at the firehouse to tell me about the story his rookie had told him about pulling over sme firemanwitha box 'o kittens being dragged behind.. The trooper cut the rope and "confiscated the Box 'o Kittens" , suggesting they investigate who would do such a thing.... The sergeant a good freind of mine, wanted to share with me how over the top his rookies are with such a funny prank.... Even funnier when I told him I wanted my box back....
That's too funny!
Hell YA i love this one so far!!!!! i think its sick and twisted but funny at the same time!!!! wooo hoooo firefighters
we take and flip peoples matress and box springs then make thier bed back. it sure is funny to watch them flop into bed. I could go on all nigt here, but its late I will have to visit again later
Being A vollie, we have to plan ours out ahead of time. We had one guy who would always stop by the station on fridays on his way home and check the trucks like clockwork. We decided to play on this. It took five of us, parking a block away, we all climbed into the cabs of the trucks and waited for him to come into the bay. Needless to say once that door opened he got a light show. Another one was when we had drop ceilings some one would hide in it on meeting nights and wait for someone to come by and jump out. That lasted until one fell through on the cheif. The pager test is a good one too.

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