Fire service, EMS, rescue good luck charms, signs of bad luck, superstitions and traditions

As part of my MS degree in emergency services, I am writing a book on emergency services superstitions, luck charms, things that are believed to bring disaster, etc. I'd love to hear what you have to share. For me, even though its a police thing, I carry the St. Michael's medal that my father wore during 37 years as a sheriff's deputy/detective.

So, share away...

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lol in the service I work at we have a few people who love to use the Q word you know it is quiet today and they bring the bad juju on us. or we have the sm people s--- magnet we aviod them at all cost lol.
If a Member of my FD plays Guitar Hero, we get a call.

If I take my cloths off to head to bed, ima get called out.

If we DONT SAY "no offense but i hope i dont see ya later" Rest Assured we WILL see them later.

Luck Charm wise, my ex gave me this key chain.

"Keep this with you when your on calls and stuff..that way theres always a angle over your shoulder, like i wish i could be.."

We've been apart for months now but I aint gettin rid of it, no way. Its the nicest thing she did for me..(which dont speak much for her..)
Heres a picture.
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I have my lucky EMT ring. It's just a plain silver band, but I was wearing it on my "first call" and I wasn't even on the job. But I ended up saving a girl's life. So I always wear it.

I also have my cross necklace that I wear everyday. It looks like the American Red Cross symbol.

I also have my lucky EMT pencil that I use for tests. (hopefully becoming a medic student soon)
I hear ya....Im the last one to the station. It sucks getting past by your own trucks.
Two other things I started doing is I keep a picture a picture of my old baby sitter next to my apt door and everytime I get on a truck weather it's going on a call or going out to do errands I say a little prayer to get us back to the station safe
I have a small piece of brick that came from the Worcester Cold Storage building on the windowsill of my office. It is a reminder of my responsibility as a Deputy Chief to make sure that all of my personnel go home safely at the end of their duty tour.
We have a road in our district that saw over 300 wrecks on it and they are usually bad ones. I have a thing about calling the road by its name...because every time someone in our dept. says that road's name.... we have a wreck on it.I have also heard about washing the trucks after calls (even though it has to be done ) that you will have a call.And of course the thing about everything comes in 3's.....that happened the other day.....2 simutaniously....and the third an hour later.
I always keep 2 cigars one for me one for my partner on fires that is. On EMS calls I say as I walk up to the house I will say BSI Scene safe then its not my emergency and It calms me down.
Saint Michael

same for police, emt's and medics
my mom recently bought me a SOL dog tag with my name and NREMT-B engraved on the back.

I never leave the house without it.... EVER
I've carried a fireman's prayer in my pocket for nearly 20 years. So far so good.

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