which is class is harder to pass Firefighter I or Firefighter II

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Neither one will kill you if you put forth any effort at all.....I will tell you one thing though...you will only get out of training what you put into it....Stay safe..........Paul
Neither class is overly difficult so long as you pay attention and study. Firefighter 2 in my opinion posed a little more of a challange because you aren't into some of the basic things anymore. (extrication, fire supression systems, Foam Systems etc) Again so long as you study you will be fine
Oops....almost forgot....My FF II instructor told us something that has stuck with me...on the first night he said "This isn't Fire I...you took that because you HAD to...This is FF II and you are here because you WANT to be here."So when you want something you should show that you want it...I am sure you will have no problems with it....Heck I did it..!!!And to be honest with you I enjoyed almost every part of it....sure the flow formulas and different pump systems were a little taxing but it was fun as well.......Hope you take it and put forth a little effort...nothing worth while is free afterall....Take care........Paul
Fire 1 isnt bad alot of common sense and fire 2 is more advanced. But neither one is overly hard to pass. You need to pay attention and read the book, but you shouldnt have a problem with 2 if you pass 1. But take 2 as soon as you can after 1, because they overlap in a lot of ways.
I guess Firefighter 1&2 isn't too hard, Us Army guys can pass the class.

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