This video was forwarded around earlier today, from Its a year-old video found on YouTube.

It shows some firefighters joking around, clearly going to or coming back from some sort of festivity presumably off duty. One firefighter appears to be drinking alcohol in the back of the engine.

Funny? Or does posting it online show firefighters in a bad light -- regardless of whether its on duty or not?

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I assume a St Patty's day parade based on the flower colors and dress uniforms. Smoking cigarettes inside the engine, drinking beer in the engine, and carrying on like a bunch of fools to PASS devices. (look at the eyes and facial expressions, they all are cocked off their ass) This is not only sad to see, it is this behavior which kills the public perception of firefighters. I hope whoever the moron is with the camera is happy because they are now "viewed" I hope the firefighters in the picture are happy because they don't look cool, they dont look hip, they look like a bunch of immature fools.
We complain about not being able to get new things from our towns and budgets lacking in funds yet these video's are readily available at one of the webs premier video websites open to the public. This is pathetic
It wouldnt matter siren I am sure there are multiple copies tagged by other members. I would even render a guess that if the tone had dropped these morons would have been responding to the scene to be the drunk idiots who assist in giving the fire service a black eye, and endangering their fellow firefighters and general public.
I am sure there would be some openings on my department if this happened here. I can't heear the video, only see it. Is it possible this is a LODD funeral... can't figure any other reason they wouold be in full dress uni in a pump. Either way, dumb to be drinking in the pump, clearly in those unis not on duty, but even more ridiculous to post it. Sigh.... we're our own worst enemies sometimes aren't we?
Let me reiterate for those who are not sure. Absolutely shines a bad light. These idiotic morons just reached up and smack all of us with a black eye. What a bunch of dumbasses. I would be certain to make sure they never wanted any part of the fire servie when I was done with them. As for brain cells, as a paramedic, I feel I can say they lack any. What a bunch of immature butt-wipes.

I like to have a good time like the next guy or gal. I teach at an academy, we had students go to a bar in there uniform t-shirts. We the instructors had phone calls within 30 minutes. Let's just say PT, make them puke. And they had to carry beers with them until the end of class. And if they were caught without them..........

I agree these pukes should be thrown out of the service. Rich Lasky "Pride and Ownership". They had misguided pride and no ownership. Give them applications to the law enforcement academy. Nope that would be to good for them. Truck driving school........Nope still to good.....They like big trucks, Waste Management is hiring, that is where garbage belongs. And if any of them happen to read this, thanks for the black eye and as for the brotherhood, no bro here for ya.......FTM-PTB
Come on guys, I am sure that that is a NON-acoholic Budweiser ! Some people just don't understand that the profession that they are in is one that is viewed by the public, particularly kids, who say "I want to be a firefighter when I grow up". And to think, it is people like this who are lucky enough to get a job in a department of that size, while people like some of us work or butts off coming from volunteer departments that can barely afford to suit us out in turn-out gear, much less a class-A uniform, with the dream of some day working for a big department like Houston, Baltimore, or even New York. I work for the district in the parish that I live in now, which is a totally different world from the little volunteer department that I got my start in of a small village with a population of just over 400 people. And while I still have the dream of one day being a part of a department as big as something like New York or Houston or Baltimore, I have alot of pride in my profession. I would never be caught dead with so much as a wine cooler in my hands while in uniform or even on the department grounds. To me this is a profession of honor, courage, and leadership, and should be treated that way by those in it. If you can't wait til you are off-duty , out of department apparatus, off department grounds, and out of uniform to drink a beer, then you don't deserve to wear that uniform. I mean come on, what if some kids saw that (which I am sure alot of kids have seen it by now since it is on the internet). I mean can you imagine the conversations at school among other kids. "Hey I saw a group of firefighter's getting drunk the other day on the internet and doing this really cool robot dance." What kind of image are they sending the kids who see this video of firefighter's. Doesn't this look like ammunition for those who think that firefighter's are just lazy people who sit around all day and do nothing. We really need to think of the image that we are sending of ourself and those in our profession before we post articles or videos like this one. I would hope that is some type of disciplinary action being taken towards those involved in this video. If not then I would say that it would seem as though the chief and officers of this department don't see anything wrong with it and codone this behavior. I hope that I am never in a fire where I am depending on these guys with my life, because obiviously they don't seem to take their job to seriously. These are probably the guys who think that it is okay to skip out on a training session to go deer hunting or to a crawfish boil where alcohol will be involved.
That's insane!! It degrades us all when someone does something like that!! Grrrrr!!
Oh my god, what a bunch of idiots. I know if that was my dept. those individuals would deff. get a suspension if not worse. I hope there werent any officers around allowing this kind of activity. I know there is a time and place that everyone wants to have a smoke and beer but that deff. isnt the time or place
Im gonna say that puts us in the BAD light... If we did that at our department our Chief would skin us alive. Because its taken volunteer departments in our area so long to change that view of firemen and what they do at or away from the fire station....
They should have their asses handed to them.
Obviously, they are sharing the same brain.
Does anyone remember the Concert for the City of New York after 9/11? They showed alot of firefighters at the concert having a good time. Some were seen with beer. Others showed obvious signs of alcohol impairment, while others had their hats on backwards. I felt a little uncomfortable even then, when many were saying, "come on; look at what they just went through. They deserve to unwind". And don't get me wrong; I like to party from time to time. But, it bugs me when the camera is on our guys and they don't have their best face forward, so to speak.
But this video? It's beyond bad taste and borders on misconduct. And I'm going to give the chief the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully, discipline up to and including termination were meted out to these misfits.
One step forward; three steps back. Repeat.
THis just falls into the same category as so many other videos on YouTube that put the emergency services in bad light.


Think about who's watching.

Think about what you're doing.

Think about the consequences should something go wrong.

Put yourself in the publics shoes and think about what your reaction would be to this sort of video....
Not sure where you work or the reputation of your department, But I hear thank you evrey shift. I turn out 6-10 calls a day and I bet I hear thank you 75% of the time. Rethink what your doing or not doing........Not putting you down, but something is amiss, maybe you are not hearing what is said as you walk out......

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