On tonights ABC World News Tonight, Charlie Gibson refered to us as AMBULANCE DRIVERS. I really enjoy his broadcast but this really disappointed me. Got so mad that I even sent an email to the news broadcast. If you want to do the same you can send it here...
It may be nothing to some of you, but it truly is the only time I feel degraded as an EMT/Firefighter when I am called that.
I have been in this line of work 16yrs (feb 22) and to be called that is just down right BS.
I would like to see Mr Gibson get out there and cut someone out of a vehicle, or go to a HA and perform CPR in the back of an AMB for 17mins, or go down a 150' embankment to save a teenager who impaled her thigh into the branch of a tree....Man, this really got me riled up.
Just thought I would share that.