a little unsure of where to post this, sorry if it in the wrong spot...

Im not going to lie most of the people in in station (juniors, firefighters, everyone) use some form of tobacco on a daily basis. Honestly i thought this was simply the norm until we visited another junior firefighter post and found out they get kicked off for using tobacco products. I really want to hear your thoughts on firefighters and juniors who use tobacco products as well as what rules your station has for both firefighters and junior firefighters who use tobacco products. My station really doesn't care, the only real rule is you have to take your dip out/put your smoke out during our meetings/trainings and this is only for safety. Thank you for your help!! stay safe

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We have a zero tolerance for ALL tobacco in the city. To include all vehicles, any city property and when responding on incidents, the entire area is considered workplace. Promotes an unhealthy act, and poor image.
Right on FETC right on. I've seen LEOs driving patrol cars and smoking. Next time I'll report 'em. TCSS
In the old days I suppose you could have given one of those nasty cupfuls to a poison victim when vomiting inducement was done routinely. TCSS
If I am in a room and everyone is drinking the same thing and I can't 100% without a doubt know which drink is mine and that it hasn't been drank out of (except by me) I don't touch it. I don't do the sharing thing with drinks. (unless it's my children) I don't know where anyone elses mouths have been...... :)
Good policy. Drinking situational awareness. Kids can be carriers too, being around other kids at school all day. You never know. TCSS
You're scaring me now. I quit. TCSS

The phosphorus used in the fertilizer contains alpha emitters that can easily be detected using an pancake probe on your radiation monitoring gear because the phosphorus is attached to the stems and leaves of the tobacco plant. When you light up the cigarette, the Polonium 210 and Lead 210 are inhaled and typically deposit the alpha particles on the left main stem bronchus.

Those that chew absorb the alpha particles through their salivary glands and through the tissues in the mouth, hence cancers of the throat, larnyx, tongue, etc are more prevalent among those who chew.

Second hand smoke is much worse because normally occurring radon gas attaches to the exhaled smoke ( the Po-210 & Pb-210) and even though someone may not smoke, they are getting an even larger dose of radiological materials. Now consider pregnant women and children receiving a chronic exposure over the years and you start to see s cancers show up in 20-30 year old people. This is happening now...

For more information, click here to see a blog I put together explaining this in more detail... Sorry for the bad news...

TCSS, Mike from Santa Barbara
Wow Mike it's even scarier explained scientifically. TCSS
I dip Copenhagen. The only time I dont have one in is when I eat, and sleep....which I have done before. Ive dipped for 28 years and I have NEVER spit. If your gonna chew it, swallow it. We have several members that chew, most swallow or spit outside.
You da man Bull. I couldn't gut my dip if it was sugar coated. TCSS
Hey Bull, Sounds like you've got the anti-cancer genes... and you can swallow the chew... whoa... that's pretty intense. I sure wouldn't want to piss you off. As Billy said, you da man Bull. TCSS, Mike
thank you for your input!!!
ok in kentucky you can't legally buy tobacco products under 18, most of our junior have parents who are advisers and simply borrow some for them or have their parents buy the brand of their choice and pay them back.
I was also wondering do you think that if you smoke and your around a fire it gives you some sort of advantage over non-smokers? Do you think when using scba it hinders how long you can stay in a fire? And i agree that it would be disgusting to go get a drink of your mountain dew and come back with what was grizzly wintergreen (i have done that before) :( I find no problem being around people (guys or girls) that dip/chew/smoke. I know one girl who does a combination of all three at the same time.
THe people in my station have no problem using tobacco products around the public, our station is in a very very small town and most people know you use the products anyway so its no use hiding it.

Stay safe people

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