a little unsure of where to post this, sorry if it in the wrong spot...

Im not going to lie most of the people in in station (juniors, firefighters, everyone) use some form of tobacco on a daily basis. Honestly i thought this was simply the norm until we visited another junior firefighter post and found out they get kicked off for using tobacco products. I really want to hear your thoughts on firefighters and juniors who use tobacco products as well as what rules your station has for both firefighters and junior firefighters who use tobacco products. My station really doesn't care, the only real rule is you have to take your dip out/put your smoke out during our meetings/trainings and this is only for safety. Thank you for your help!! stay safe

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Was that you on the TV ad? hahaha. Sounds like tobacco is embedded in your area. No way can breathing in tobacco smoke make your lungs stronger. I'm sure Capt Mike can show you proof. If I were you I wouldn't start with tabaccy. TCSS
chewing/dipping is allowed if your 18 years or older smoking as well most of them smoke outside if they smoke just out of respect for others no smoking on the trucks thats pretty much it.
"do you think that if you smoke and your around a fire it gives you some sort of advantage over non-smokers?"

the ability to adequately process air and exhale CO2 is an involved process that can be challenged if one is a smoker. if you smoke, you are not going to have the same wind or endurance as someone who does not smoke. there is no advantage to smoking and the how long you can stay in a fire... considering that it is physical fitness, cardio-vascular endurance and just being in good shape will make the determination as to how much air you are going to suck out of the bottle when you are "on air".

The trick her Jessica is now you know more than they do. You now know that even if you don't smoke, the hazards of second hand smoke are very real. If people smoke, they need to do so outside, and in a downwind location from the firehouse or structure.

And the girl that does a combination of all three, perhaps she is not clearly thinking about the effects on her body should she decide down the road to have children. We all know what kids of parents who smoke turn out like... and it's not pretty...

Billy, thanks for letting me know it is ok to run from the law in your area, (on foot that is) coughing and puking up a lung must be common sight.

On a serious note, if you do this fulltime and your employer does NOT have a NO TOBACCO USE policy, than they do not care much about your health and well being, many of us here talk smack about reducing firefighter deaths but see no problem with promoting the use tobacco to juniors? WTF

If you dont have a policy, health care premiums will continue to soar with additional claims and that relates to money lost to the employee because the bennies cost the municipalities so much...

Lastly, some progressive states have a heart and lung bill signed by law that pays disability and death benefits to firefighter or his family for any form of cancer but they do not have to pay if your are caught SMOKING.
Pretty sure the FD death benefit not paid out because of smoking is why my son wouldn't have been hired by CalFire if he smoked. Very good point FETC.

Remember this is Texas and you can't out run a bullet, just kidding, I hope. TCSS
Here in Texas, there are a few departments that don't allow tobbaco use. I also know of at least one case here in texas were the death benifits were denied because of tobbaco use. Thes kinda goes back to the seat belt discussion that was here a few weeks ago. Do you really want to jepordize your families financial future if something was to happem to you.
"do you think that if you smoke and your around a fire it gives you some sort of advantage over non-smokers?" In my world in the Philippines. 95% of all firefighters fight fires without the benefit of SCBA's (because its expensive to have one). So we eat smoke most of the time.

Believe me from a smoke eater. I don't see any difference of lung endurance for smoker or non-smoker.
Don't tell me that dipping is swallowing the shit? (I've never heard the term)

I can't for the life of me fathom why anyone would want to do anything with tobacco, whether it be smoking it, chewing it, etc... YUK!
Once again, I'm with you Luke. We have plenty of idiots here who smoke, same as everywhere. "Chewing' the stuff? Well, I learnt about that disgusting habit from books/movies. But what's this 'dip' thing? (Do you get the idea that I don't like tobacco?)

No smoking in any fire station here, they're all State owned and it's State government policy. No smoking in any State owned or controlled vehicle. It's finally illegal to smoke in any pub here now - that took long enough to bring in!

Yes I know that tobacco is addictive. Yes I understand that addictions can be hard to shed. When near people smoking, I always move away/upwind. Can't stand the stuff.

The old saying "kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray"? What must it be like with someone that puts lumps of the stuff in their mouth and chews ...
It's finally illegal to smoke in any pub here now
For those on the other side of the world, a pub is a bar in a hotel, restaurant, etc.

Drink yourself to oblivion but you have to go outside to smoke or be fined....

More detailed info at http://www.health.vic.gov.au/tobaccoreforms/downloads/smoking_laws_...

BTW, I agree Tony- it's great to go to a bar and not come home smelling like smoke!

Just stumbled across this site with loads of info http://tobacco.health.usyd.edu.au/index.htm
Gotta know addiction. And your right, Yuk TCSS

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