I know down by Detroit there are medic's carrying pistols for protection and even bullet proof jackets, but does anyone else know of city's that are doing the same thing or even fire departments that have some sort of protection like a bullet proof jacket. this seems to be a growing concern out there for everyone, just wanted to see your view on this issue.

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yes with the vest no with the guns.. that can just make things alot worse..
Are the medics that have the side arms qualifying with the side arms as often as police officers do? I would be concerned if the ones that are carrying are not proficient with the weapon. Could you imagine an excited Paramedic with a semi auto pistol. 10 shots in 6 seconds with no pattern on the broad side of a barn.
i think vests are fine i have worn vests in the millitary you do run into a over heating problem withthem on plus with your gear it will happen faster now carrying pistols no police (city or state) should (and i did say should i know there not always there) be there i ran into a problem 2 years ago at a fire the owner set the trailer on fire then told us it was a controlled burn and attacked my driver.
I'm for 2nd Amendment, I dont believe weapons are appropriate for Fire or Ems while on duty. Vests, are, if you think you are going to get into a situation. Like my collegues state numerous times, If you place yourself in that situation you are asking for trouble. Scene safety, if you remember, is one of the first things you were taught. You should not be in there, if it wasn't safe to begin with.
Not really sure but we have had VIPER training which is the same training the state police have which stands for VIOLENT INCIDENT PROTECTION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONDERS
I like billy's coment "I'd rather be tried by 12 then carried by 6"!!
The best way to be carried by 6 is to have the false sense of security that carrying a firearm on fire or EMS calls gives you.
Trust me Ben theres spots in Detroit or Flint were you'd want to have a pistol on you sometimes. It's not to have a sense of security, it's there to save your @SS!
We have places like that here in Chicagoland too, but that's why we have Cops! If the scene isn't secure, we don't go in!
In LAFD, ALL MEMBERS are issued bullet proff vests.

After the Rodney King riots in the '90s the City of Los Angeles as well as the County of Los Angeles made it a law that all first responders MUST carry bullet proof vests.
First responders dont have to wear them 24/7 but have to have them on the apparatus.
In LAFD we are required to wear them no; Shootings, stabings, assaults, protests, riots, and they may be worn on attempted suisides.
They save lifes. thats my view
its a funny story. i had an experience with a former explorer who said that he carried a gun to calls and he could go into calls with out pd because he was a pd explorer. i say to him "ok you go in and get shot while wait 3 blocks down and wait for pd". well some one from the state oems heard this and he is in a world of trouble. i could see if medics could carry small cans of mace or small tazers but nothing else. as to the bullet proof vests i want 2 one in a tactical carrier for extra violent scenes (shootings stabbings assults) and a one for under the shirt but since i am under 18 my mother wont let me. my area is not that bad but it has its moments. like the last shooting we had was 3 days ago.
I say leave it to the cops. Thats their job after all. And if worse comes to worse you should always have an axe or a halligan bar close by

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