Last night, our county's National Night Out event was attended by all four of our county's VFDs. Of course all us VFFs socialized with each other since we only see each other at mutual aid scenes. The bull was running thick when a member of another department, I didn't know him, brought out and showed us a little bottle full of tiny little pills. I recognized them as nitroglycerin pills and asked him if for sure if that was what they were. He relied that indeed they were. This VFF was close to my ripe 'ol age of 56 and there is no way that if my heart needed nitro, and it doesn't, I would put myself into a possible scenario of killing myself performing as a FF. I don't know this VFF or his duties but wow I was still shocked. If he was on my VFD I would be more comfortable making recommendations. Thoughts?

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Wow thats crazy does he have a script for them or are they illegel? But I'd make sure to stay well away from him!
Legal, he mentioned a doctor refilling them. Crazier if illegal because "He who is his own doctor has a fool for a patient".
Hopefully he is living a normal, healthy life under a doctors care and with his meds. There is no reason for him to give up something he loves because of a heart condition. I'm guessing he know his limits and in no way would he put a fellow firefighter in harms way. God love him..just remember anyone of us could drop dead wthout warning...Cathy
Hi Cathy,

Thanks. In my opinion you made some true statements. I believe he has been a VFF for quite some time and with out a heart condition before and knows his limits. It's the guessing part that worries me and he has a warning, the nitro pills. Probably not much I can do anyway but just hope the best for him. Liability is a factor too. TCSS
So he had a bottle of nitro pills. Did he swipe them off the ambulance or are they his? And i agree, if my heart was in need of nitro pills, I'd retire quickly and enjoy life. No sense in putting myself or my fellow FF's in more danger with my "bad" heart.
ok,, i have to add my 2 cents here... think outside the box here please.. on the depts im on, we have people who have nitro pills and and the other meds that go along with heart conditions.. an we even have people who have pace makers and defibulaters... heck, we even have a gentleman who 70+ years old.. just because he is possibly taking Nitro, doesnt mean to segregate him from something he loves.. the fact that its unknown if he is taking nitro should be a topic for the chief of his dept and him to discuss in priavte as well as wether or not he has a return to work slip for his chief.. but now back to the segragation or discriminating him because of him being on nitro.. as i mentioned, think outside the box please.. this gentleman can be asigned to do non-esential tasks on the fire grounds that will not jepordize anyones safety.. or perhaps, the younger guys should or could step up and say, here Sir, let me help you with that so long as they dont have an assignment to do..

all in all, there are to many unkowns here to speculate..

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