At our dept. you are allowed to go on calls if your 18 years old or older and have your basic classes. Has anyboby ever made fun of you for being a volunteer. Because when i was in senior year of high school last year i had a few people come to me and say firemen want be, and ask why. and i tell them its not for the fame or glory its to help others in need.

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"I have also had people come up to me and ask me how much i get paid. When I tell then nothing...the just go off about how thats a crock of crap and they would never do what I do for free."

Jeanine, that's why you're on the F.D. and they're not. They don't have the calling to do this job. Don't tell my Chief, but I'm paid and I think I would do it for free!
yea it was mostly my friends in high school
I grew up around the dept I think we've all heard the criticism, luckily several of my friends were also on the dept we kinda stuck together.
Sure sound like anyone who makes fun of someone for being a firefighter, well I think they are just jealous... I remember one of my first Captain's telling me that no matter how much money someone has, they can't buy their way into the front cab of our fire truck. For the future, you need to reflect on two quotes from a long time ago but they are still very practical. The first is from a guy who knew people, and knew them well. He was a character and got away with a lot of stuff but only because he knew people, and people loved him. His basic rules are written on his gravestone in Death Valley, CA at Scotty's Castle. The second quote will serve as a reminder that you should never give up on your dreams and don't listen to others. Listen to me... : )

"Don't complain, don't explain, don't ever say nothing bad about anyone and never give advice because no one listens anyway..."

Death Valley Scotty (1872-1954)

"If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams, and endeavors to live a life in which they imagined, they will meet with a success uncommon among men."

Henry Thoreau (1817-1862)
On my old department we allowed 18 & basic to respond to calls IF they kept their grade point up above a 3.0 (if still in school). All I can say about the ones who gave you a hard time is this...when it's 2:00 AM and their house is on fire, they are going to see you as a hero, and nothing beets the feeling if helping someone in need, no matter who, where or how. They'll never understand what or why we do it, but as long as you understand it and hold onto that, you'll be able to handle the detractors. I just got home from a truck on fire next to a cabin...and the best pay I could get tonight was this said by the owner..."Thank you guys and girls for coming out here tonight...I don't know what I'd have done without you..." along with a handshake from the gentleman. That right there is why we do what we do.
Stay safe out there everyone...and keep your head up!!!!!
To be honest, I didn't experience being teased at or made fun of being a firefighter at early age. But I do envy you guys of having that kind of opportunity and a honor to help your community. Generally, as everyone says in this discussion, they don't understand what we do anyway. But one thing I notice to teenagers who signed up for this service and successfully been through the process from a rookie to a veteran firefighter. They mature early than the rest. Because they know, how precious life it is.

Who knows, after highschool. You might go beyond that. College - take courses that would add to your personal arsenal to your fire / EMS service skills.
the best pay I could get tonight was this said by the owner..."Thank you guys and girls for coming out here tonight...I don't know what I'd have done without you..." along with a handshake from the gentleman. That right there is why we do what we do.

Sheri, you are right about that. One of my coworkers' mom, he's half my age, recognized me and told her son that she knew she had seen me before and that I had helped his grandfather after a heart attack. He thanked me and let me know how his grandfather was doing now. That made my day and was worth more than any money.
You are experiencing something called jealousy. Usually people who make fun of firefighters wind up having some bland life where they out on a tie and go to the same dismal desk job everyday. I've been made fun of for not making a lot of money as a firefighter, but my reply is "Yeah, I'm a bit poor, but I wouldn't trade my job for the world!" Just remember that more people love firefighters than hate them!
There is always someone who wants to attack what they think is different or weaker than them . I have seen it even here but keep your head up and do what you think is right . You are turning out to be a very good hand so stay with it . Remember that there are a lot of people out there that need help and if you don't do it who will ?
I've been made fun of for not making a lot of money as a firefighter, but my reply is "Yeah, I'm a bit poor, but I wouldn't trade my job for the world!" Just remember that more people love firefighters than hate them!

Dustin.That's the spirit.

I've heard that crack before. Felt the same way too. But I love this job.
And I return that respect. I'm a vol who works on a lot of jobs with career guys. There can be the odd one sometimes who obviously doesn't like working with us. To that one I'm polite, and helpful - and I leave it at that.

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