I know your all going to say whatever it takes, but we've got one of the largest departments in our area and it seems like whenever we get called for mutual aid, we get to the scene and all the windows are smashed out on the first floor, instead of venting through the roof, I feel this makes it very hard to fight a fire because you supplied the whole home with fresh air and don’t have an attack team in place. We'll ask them why they did not vent through the roof and they'll say something like that’s to dangerous or its easier to smash the window all out. What do you guys feel about this?

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If you PPV without knowing where the fire is, you're making a big mistake.

That violates one of the cardinal rules of PPV - Never use a PPV fan as a thermal imaging camera.
In other words, if you don't know where the fire is, use an imager to find it, not the PPV fan.
If you use a PPV fan to find the fire, it will find you, and not in a way that you're likely to enjoy.
I'm on the same page with you Ben!
They have training on how to vent and they still bust all the windows out? That is definatly something to be scared of!

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