Friends of the FFN:
After months of searching I found a newspaper article which was written about 10 years ago:
1. Don't go to meetings
2. If you do go ,go late
3. If the weather doesn't suit you, don't go
4. If you attend a meeting or drill, find fault with the rest of the members
5. Never except office; it's easier to criticize than to do things
6. Get sore if you are not appointed on a committee; but if you are, do not attend committee meetings.
7. If asked by a officer to give your opinion on some matter tell him you have nothing to say. After the drill is over, tell everyone hoe things should have been done.
8. If you have a suggestion to offer go straight to the chief. Do your best to mess up the chain of command.
9. Be sure to complain if you don't get paid to be a volunteer
10. Do nothing more than absolutely necessary, and if someone else does, be sure to razz him about brown nosing.