Our department recently decided to issue all cubbies (probationary firefighters) bright yellow uniform tee shirts instead of the navy blue shirts. This is to prevent them from wearing them in not so good places in public or letting their friends wear them. For years we have made them wear yellow turn out gear (regular firefighters are black) so that is how the yellow shirts came up.
T-Shirts: Our probies aren't issued a navy blue department shirt or a set of dress blues until they are off probation
As for gear: Probies where yellow or tan and non probationary FF wear black
This is what probies wear in most big city's .This was mine from PG Co way back when. I also had a Probation sticker at work with a RED Tag on my uniform.
Permalink Reply by T.J. on September 3, 2008 at 7:58am
our probies where the same gear just they've got an orange helmet, so they stick out on a fire scene and we can make sure where they're at, at all times:)
Uniforms should only be worn while on duty. And only by sworn personnel. Many depts have similar or look like uniform tees for spouses, kids etc. If a member wore these to a 'seedy' establishment then shame on them. But at least they aren't in uniform.