what is everybodies opion on issuing 1044 or leather helmets once you have your 1403 instead of using the certification stickers.. to me i think it would be a good idea, it saves you from looking to see who has what.. if everybody on a department has a 1044, leather or a ben 2, i believe it would make it easier to determine who can do what instead of trying to find out who can do what.

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I am from a little vollie department which cant afford alot of the things we really need. So the idea of buying expensive helmets is out of the question. I have bought my own 1044 for my self but the rest dont have one. This is the problem with our area around here there is no money for alot of extras. We all are trained to the same standards on my department. Some of us have taken more classes than needed, but we are also officers.
I am from a rural vollie dept and we have no money for expensive helmets. I have bought my own 1044, the rest have an issued bullard. I like my helmet but it was more money than what my department would want to spend on 16 new helmets. Here we are all trained just about alike except for a couple of us officers.
We used to do the same yellow probie helmet thing. Now our probies get the black Cairns traditional like everyone else, except they've got a yellow helmet front that says, "candidate".
What do you mean by 1403? You are not talking about NFPA standard 1403 are you?
I see your point LadyChaplain. If you've got a lot, you might as well use 'em. I'm not sure what we did with all of our yellow helmets!

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