there is alot of retarded people out there when it comes to wreaks.they must not understand what a road block is or when traffic is stopped.for example last year at this time there was a wreak and my department was called out to it when we arrived my ic which was assiant chief said to shut down the high way and do not open it for no one well i was takingthe report and the chief was directing traffic and he turned his head for a split second and a car about ran him over even when my assaint chief yelled to stop the driver kept on going and went through the road block so my assiant chief got pissed off and threw a road flare at the car and forced the car to stop and the driver got out and started to yell at my assaint chief so th ic said either shut up or charges will pressed agaisnt him for running a road block so the driver shut up...we have crazy drivers who dont care less and we put our lives out there to protec people .has any of my fellow brother/sister ever threatened to have charges pressed agaisnt a driver for running a road block

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First, are there Police Officers that could have been there doing their job?

Second, Your IC should have filed charges against that driver! We need to make examples out of the morons who think they can bypass an emergency scene or go around those directing traffic.

Stay safe!
I see people all the time not wanting to stop because they need to go somewhere.Thats why we work well with our pd we get all the info we can get and sent to the pd and they get a ticket.
Don't ya wish, just once, you could say something like:

"Excuse me sir, but it appears that I have accidently buried my Halligan Tool in your hood!"
In our county the fire department direct traffic.

The police come in and investigate the accident and call for the tow truck and leave we stay until the vehicles are remove then clean the road and leave.

The hardest vehicle to try to get stopped is the bingo bus boy those ladies get mad when you make them late for their games.
"Retarded" is not the word I would use... inconsiderate, inattentive, intoxicated, indignant... sometimes one of these, sometimes all.

I have indeed informed drivers that they would be arrested if they didn't turn around and get lost. They might have thought I threatened them, but I just told them that if they didn't get turned around and scram in 30 seconds - by my watch - I would have them arrested. Worked like a charm.

Just a safety note, when directing traffic you HAVE to wear the full reflective vest/hat attire now required. In daytime, tan turnout gear blends in with most backgrounds, and at night there is way too little reflective striping on interior PPE. Also: You have to assume that the drivers are going to hit you, and plan for that. (the Gospel according to Billy G.)
we had a wreck in front of our station the other day three cars nothing major, and for once the PD was actually directing traffic. guess sometimes they do sometimes they dont. but as far as the rest of it goes the accident was cause when a school bus went to make a turn one car didnt stop the rest were victims.
I can only add to this posting by Joe by saying I agree. Making yourself visible from all angles (cones, flares, and Orange/green safety vests) is mandatory on any accident scene. Drivers (yes we may notice that some people have a common sense issue. Retarded is the wrong working) want to be in the loop. Rubber-necking to catch a sight of the wreck and apparatus lights impairing vision (yes they do get a tad too much when your a driver) are potential causes for secondary accidents. We need to treat every accident with safety being the paramount.
This driver you mention in your original post made a mistake. With the soundproofing of vehicles and intensity of actions on a accident scene, a driver can miss someone saying stop. Throwing a flare at the driver doesn't correct the problem in the least bit, but rather opens the department up to more liability issues. Next time your going to close the highway down, position your apparatus across the highway to protect you and your crew and also to ensure nobody is going to drive through. Having that weight and size of vehicle in the way will stop people.
I like that style. Getting out of the way prevents injury, and copying the tags will ensure the driver is stopped and given their due time in court for their lack of awareness or ignorance.
I had a guy get out of his car last week at an incident, and very belligerently stated that "since we were only volunteers, we didn't have the right to block the road". To make a short story even shorter, about the time he started to open his mouth, the deputy told him if he even said sir, he would be arrested for interfering with a police investigation, and that he (the deputy) was not a volunteer, and the road would stay closed! We all got a good laugh at that. Sometimes we win.

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