After a Mutual Aid Fire the other night,I got to thinking that helmet colors on the fire ground should be standardized somehow.This after I made an Observation that a "Black Hat" was giving orders.I fallowed along of course,with him being odviously my senior firefighter.But as the night went on I glanced over at his helmet,and realized that the "rockers" on his helmet said,"ASST.CHIEF",an so did the back of his coat.I thought this was odd,since all the other Chiefs where wearing White helmets.And I also noticed other Officers & Us Crew wearing various colors.Mostly Yellow & Black.This was confusing.Our Fire District Helmet Colors are as fallows...
White-Chief (& Capt.until 1988) Yellow w/White Shield-Capt. Yellow w/Black Shield-Lieu. Blue-Company EMS Capt./Lt. Red w/ White Shield-Safety Officer Black-Firefighter Orange-Explorer Orange Hard Hat-Fire Police.
What are your Company's Helmet colors?,and Do you think there should be a Standard?
Update:Tiger Schmittendorf has let me know that there is NO STANDARD In The United States.But Still The Question Looms Should There Be?

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Here's our helmet colors.
-Firefighter- Black
-Lieutenant- RED
-Captain- RED
Chief- White
1st Responder/EMT Orangish Red..
Paramedic- Blue ( don't really use the blue ones..we have a couple but they sit in the spare gear bin..)
A Little Update(2 years later) lol,To add on to the confusion,I joined a Volunteer EMS/Rescue Squad,to keep up on my EMT skills,Here I've Noticed Some other things,The "Director"(Chief),Asst.Director,Captain,Asst.Capt.(White Gear Too),& Lt.s wear WHITE Helmets w/Blue Shields or EMS Squad Sticker,and EMTs & Rescue Members,Yellow w/Blue Shields or Squad Sticker.
Also those Members Extrication Certified Have "BLUE STRIPES" on the helmets(interior ff in the fire co.),an those members who also belong to the 2 Fire Departments in town wear thier Fire Dept.,turn outs(black helmets).GO FIGURE.
"But not a true 'standard', as NFPA only make suggestions. A standard is something that must be adhered to."

Standard -
1. something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model.

NFPA Standards
Consensus standards are developed by specific industries to set forth widely accepted standards of care and operations for certain practices. Standards are an attempt by the industry or profession to self-regulate by establishing minimal operating, performance, or safety standards, and they establish a recognized standard of care. They are written by consensus committees composed of industry representatives and other affected parties. The NFPA has many standards which affect fire departments. The standards should be followed to protect fire and rescue personnel from unnecessary workplace hazards and because they establish the standard of care that may be used in civil lawsuits against fire and rescue departments.

Regardless of whether compliance with an NFPA standard is voluntary or mandatory, fire and rescue departments must consider the impact of "voluntary" standards on private litigation

In establishing the standard of care for rescue operations, the courts will frequently look to the "voluntary" standards issued by NFPA and other organizations. Although "voluntary" in name, these standards can become, in effect, the legally enforceable standard of care for fire or rescue department. Accordingly, fire and rescue departments should pay close attention to applicable standards.
Thanks for the insight,I guess that leaves it up to the individual department then,like truck colors,it's what ever the people in charge/with buying power or other wise want at that period of time.At least we can all assume from this an other discussions that Chiefs no matter where you go wear white helmets.
The Rural Fire Service in New South Wales (Australia) is different:

White - Fire fighter. I think we go with white because it's cooler
White /green reflexite - probie
white /red reflexite - deputy captain
red /white reflexite - Sr. deputy captain
red /red reflexite - Captain

Orange /white reflexite - Group Officer (equivalent to battalion chief)
Orange /orange reflexite - Superintendent (division chief)
Purple - commissioner
yellow - media
purple - chaplin
No, there is not a universal standard, and that is why posts on this topic keep popping up ad nauseaum.
If only there were a way to...maybe search for past topics on FFN.
What color should hoses be?
We have the same issues in Australia but generally the State has the same for each department with differences between States.

In South Australia
Chief - blue
Deputy Chief / Asst Chief /Batt Chief - red
Captain - yellow
Firefighter - white
Don't get snarky with me, mister, especially if you might be from another country.
yeah yeah yeah
Well we follow the NFPA Standard
White- Cheifs
Red- Captains
Yellow- Lts
Black- Firefighters
Lime Green- Fire Police
With all helments have their destionation ranking
in my dept all fire fighters are black chiefs are white capts. and Lt's are black with white shield the new guys have yellow for exterior only

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