Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the high level of incompetence shown, (especially where the young guys are concerned), in the arena of grammer? Dare I say spelling, but I am a lousy speller as well. Sister Virginia would kick my ass if she thought I was killing the English language the way these people do. As would most of the other teachers I've had, not to mention my mother! How does a person make it through life without the ability to communicate? I fear we as a society will be overrun by a culture of profesional communicators that can only say correctly, "Would you like to supersize that sir'? Am I just an idiot for noticing this or should I be happy that my son will grow up with the ability to speak and write? Or is that speek and rite?

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[quote]"anymore (any longer). This adverb may be written as one word or two, although the solid form is the more common. There is also a phrase, any more, as in "I don't have any more time this week."[end of quote]
wot you meen man?
Shut up, otherwise I'm gonna bump the "Drinking" thread.
Hey WebChief is there a 24 hour ban we could impliment on a person for forum posts only? :) Ok I'm kidding
I dont git y u have a prob wit da way i'm writing. I'm just kidding.
I hate the lack of any assemblence of proper English, not just here, but in society in general. I honestly believe that text messaging has a huge influence on how today's youth is learning our language. I remember reading something that showed Spanish as being the most common, fluently spoken language in the United States. Though I understand that text messages are priced by the number of letters or words, keep them short and sweet. I hate hearing the terrible use of English. I guess part of what bothers me is that I'm only 25 and there are many people right around my age group that started speaking, reading and writing like this. It makes me happy that someone addressed this issue.
That IS one sentence, isn't it? I can't tell, tears in my eyes...
I'm one who needs oxygen after reading that! Well done damnthing! What really brings tears to my eyes though, is that the people who do write that way, could read the post and still not have any idea.

This thread managed to sleep for four months.
i tinhk tihs is fnuney.
Here's what Bill Gates & Company said about that:


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