Monday morning quarter backs: Where is the leadership? Where is the safety officer?

Monday morning quarterbacks: Please carefully review the video at the following links. Make a note of your observations of safety issues that you see:
Ask these questions at your next training session. What were the risks to personnel and equipment? What safety violations do you observe? What actions would you have taken differently as a company officer and as the incident commander?
Lets start the list here in your replies.
Remember: The efforts being exerted by the firefighters to ventilate where certainly great. However we all need to compare what the risks to their lives were to the possible benefits of the actions they were taking. Firefighter safety must be the most important function for every company officer and every incident commander. When will we learn???
Where are our command officers? Where are our safety officers? Where are our training officers? Why are the scenes in this video not unusual?
Could they have been taken at your last incident?
What will every department learn from these videos?
Can these videos help saves the lives of other firefighters or are we doomed to continue depending upon our own dumb luck?

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Well, Where do we start??

Missing PPE, Misuse of PPE, Mishandling tools, Ladder Ops problems... Shall we go on? This is certainly an example of how not to operate on a ventilation assignment.

Your personal safety and the safety of your crew must be top priority when operating on any scene. Please folks, think before you act on any scene, whether it seems dangerous or not. Pay attention and act accordingly. The environment can change quickly. Stay Alert!!

Be Safe out there...
I saw way to many problems. No SCBA being used or not being worn. As well as what Lawrence stated. Most if not all of the mistakes are stuff we learn from day one. Where was the IC and safety officer on this call??? But the biggest question is why where they not looking out for each other??
It looks like there were no FFs equipped with radios on the roof, as evidenced by the hand/arm signals between the roof people and the ladder operator. Conflicting signals, at that. The FFs on the top floor were performing overhaul on the top floor seemingly oblivious to the conditions overhead.

One would expect that the roof crew would have contacted the IC about deteriorating roof conditions, and that a line on the 3rd floor would have been used on the attic. Could be a hidden void space, although the fire had a pretty good draft to it. I imagine that a few of the members had their backsides scorched, and not from the fire.

I wonder if there will be information available as to what happened, as in a critique or review of the incident.
Two things very evident here, their habit is to not wear airpacks and the interior crews are not making good headway if you watch close so they get away by the grace of GOD! Start out with good habits and hold on tight! Train on good habits all the time and do not let your guard down!
No airpacks, no helmets, no gloves, turnout coat hanging open! And apparently, NO RADIOS!!! And this is a major U.S. city? That whole crew and their officer need a suspension and some remedial training at the academy. I thought I was going to witness a multiple LODD any second. And did I see the guy with the open coat kicking his burning helmet across the roof? Was there a Safety Officer anywhere on that fireground? Holy Sh*t!!!! And this happened in 2007.
Oh I do love the Monday morning qtr. backs. Other than a few missing SCBAs, I see an aggressive dept. doing their job. Joe, if radios weren't being used by the members on the roof, (and by the way, it's not an attic, it's called a COCKLOFT) ask whose fault that is!?! Surley not theirs. Probably a higher up who doesn't see the need for all F.F.s to have radios. Lawrence...mishandling tools? You mean tossing them over to the exposures roof? Looks to me like they were saving their tools, not leaving them to be destroyed by the fire. Ladder op problems? Could be the FF operating the ladder, maybe it was his first real job he operated at? Maybe it was a junior man who jumped up and did the best he could?
I would really hate to have the count the numbers of residents, who reside in some of your fire districts, that were left with only foundations to stare at because interior attacks were not made because it was too dangerous to go in (that's what they make tower ladders and deck guns for, right?). Hey fellas, wake up! It's a dangerous profession!! Yeah some make it more dangerous due to improper practices, hopefully they won't die, but if they do, I'm sure one of you fine gents would love to point out to his widow and kids that it was his/her own fault.

You beat me to a similar topic I was about to start!

I just watched a program called "Risk Takers" which followed a nameless FD over a 48 hour period and I was astounded with the blatant safety breaches I saw. The really sad thing, is the FD knew that they were being followed (And doing ride-alongs) with the TV crew and yet we still saw mixed seatbelt wearing, mixed SCBA donning correctly, mixed PPE during overhaul procedures and so on.


If you are one of the guilty ones that isn't wearing PPE correctly, then all fool you. If you witness a "brother" doing the same and also do nothing about it, then you've got to question the whole brotherhood thing and the so called "watching each others backs"...
Through out my career, I have known "leaders" who knew LITTLE about leadership.
You have to have a culture that CULTIVATES leaders.
As long as you have a department with a "leader" who is dictatorial, new leaders will never emerge; at least, not on THAT department. They will go elsewhere and excel!
Hey fellas, wake up! It's a dangerous profession!!
It is, but we don't need to make it more dangerous- we can change tactics and wear PPE correctly to lessen the likelihood of an LODD....
Using the aggressive excuse, I've heard it, too much experience on that roof to not know better. Right on about the radios probably,just no excuses!
Well, since I wasn't there, I can't comment on their procedures or actions. I do like to see my brothers wearing their SCBA, but again, I'm not there. I was hauled off the roof once after a fire, no chance of rekindle, no danger of collapse, I was collecting tools and a hoseline and didn't have a helmet on. Our Chiefs are very safety conscious.
As for the radios. Our department is also probably the cheapest among the large departments. We're nearly 1000 and we have three radios per rig (with 4 personell), one for the officer, one for the driver and one between the crew. Good luck if you get separated or have something to say on your radio... you're shit out of luck.

It's hard to judge or comment without all of the facts.
their coat was heavy, and his hands got too hot because they left their gloves on the apparatus room floor. Cut them some slack.. :):):)

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