I think there is a good ole boy thing going on here with the points. It shouldn't matter rather it's from comments or post's or how many friends you have. It should be because of how active you are on the site. This is just my thoughts so chime in as much as you want. I'm a big boy and can take it. This post will probably be closed before long and I will be band for voicing my opinion in a free speech country.

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Hi Don -

I'm here to comment before you get shut down...lol Don't feel alone mine get shut down as well.

I'm doing the same thing I have always done before the point system and will continue.

Cat :o)

My lack of inteligent conversation hasnt stopped my commenting so why should the point system make any differance on way or the other!!
I think the whole point system should go away. Since its inception, there has been an explosion of one-word and one-line replies, in addition to the word game "discussions" that have sprouted up and encouraged even MORE one-line or one word replies. So much so, that it is exceedingly difficult to follow the more meaningful discussions with the current site layout.

Meaningful discussions = firefighter safety, firefighting tactics, equipment, methods, and the like.

A few months ago I made the mistake of introducing a timed evolution drill with the preface "This is NOT a competition!" Guess what? The members instantly ignored me and proceeded to compete against each other to see who could perform the evolution in the shortest time. While this did not detract from the actual evolution, competing scores was not the intent.

I get the feeling that Web Chief has now learned this lesson.
Uh, sorry is there some history of banning people for discussing legitimate topics?

How about this: Discuss a topic, don't go into some rant about the thread being closed right from the first post...geesh, how can you expect to have a dialogue about something. Especially given the person posting this hasn't even posted by five times total...chill with the negativity.

Firecat, I explained your issue. We are NOT going to permit any more posts that ARE just all about one line replies. That being said this is a social AND professional network. There IS room for fun threads and people to relax, just as there is room for serious discussions on serious topics. If you don't want to read a topic you think is dumb, DON'T READ IT.

I haven't learned my lesson apparently...relax everyone. A few people do think posting one-liners will somehow make them superstars. It won't. Simply ignore them and eventually they will go away. Some of you are considerably over-reacting with no facts really. While there are a handful of silly threads, go here http://www.firefighternation.com/forum/topic/list and page through thread topics in the last 24 hours...there is PLENTY of legitimate discussion going.

The forums have NEVER been as active as they are now and MANY, MANY of those posts are legitimate, thoughtful topics and posts. Whether its the points or whatever, site usage is way up and 95% of it is legitimate. This isn't a fire scene and life or death. It's a web site with lots of great interaction, content and community. So ignore the 5% and enjoy.
WC -

I understand about the one-liners. I will do better in the future. :o)
Copied that, WC.
Well i have to agree that the points should be based on how active you are on the site, however; if i had it my way, i wouldnt have any points. I dont come on this site to get points. Anyway I had one of my blogs taken off the site this morning so dont feel bad. LOL
I understand that there are some topics that I answer with a short answer or comment most of the time I feel it is a light hearted discussion and I am kidding or I may make a short comment agreeing with some one but there is also topics Ive written alot on. I guess I feel this is a open forum to enjoy and learn from I dont believe we need to get so worried about a person giving one line answers or a person writing full page responses either one is what they have to say and as long as it is along the lines of the topic I dont feel there should be any restrictions. These are the opinions of a man who very seldom ever writes more then three or four sentances as answers and we all know what you can get with my opinion.
My member status is around number 8,000 and something. Does this not count for something. Some of us do not have time to read and reply to every post and thread. The proper thing to do would be to say from this point on we will do the points this way due to loyal members that have been here for awhile they will keep there points and status that they have worked for and deserve. I just think this could have been done a different way. I have brought several poeple to this site through conversation on other sites and word of mouth. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but I beleave this could have been handeled differently.
The opt out is just don't worry about it ... :)

While I may add a feature that lets people 'hide' points on their profiles, if you don't like the points, just don't worry about it ..
Sorry not following, points are cumulative...what could have been done a different way? There's no way to track word of mouth invites..sorry...


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