Have you noticed that some discussion threads just vaporize?
Here today; gone today?
My opinion is this:
A thread should NEVER be deleted by a moderator or the thread starter.
If conduct is the issue, then delete the post AND the poster. Many of us conduct ourselves with a certain sense of responsibility and can convey our opinions without throwing out personal attacks or by using obscene or offensive language. Good discussion and information is lost when an entire thread is deleted and I can't speak for you, but I come here to learn about others, their fire departments and their tactics.
I have spoken to WebChief about this and he knows my opinion. I want to know your's.
Did you know that you, as the thread's starter, can delete the entire thread, if you don't like what's being said? That's just ridiculous. I mean; the first opposing opinion that is stated and POOF! Thread starter doesn't like it; therefore, the thread is gone.
So, what do you think? Should discussion threads be deleted or should inappropriate conduct be dealt with instead?
It starts now.

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With all due respect, we're not moving to another software platform just because users can't delete a few threads :) They are aware of the suggestion and I'm sure at some point will implement the adjustment.

I was hosing you.
I know and appreciate the work involved.
I meant no disrespect. My humor failed to come through in my post.
My apologies.
No, your humor got through...LOL...
As I understand it, only the thread starter can delete the entire thread. That would be J. Scata.
If I understood Dave correctly, he does not have to tools to delete threads; only to lock them.
I could be wrong and it wouldn't be the first time...today.
I guess when given the choice, I'd rather have the tuffies can here and spew their hate than to kick a dog or beat up a homeless person.
Sometimes I think you should have to prove that you can operate a computer with some skill, just like having a license to drive a car. Oh wait; many people don't have a drivers' license, but drive anyway. I carry insurance for that.
But, it just seems that, here lately, they are going right from watching Jerry Springer and coming here.
Now, watch; someone will take that last statement personally and want to start a slugfest.
OOH; I'm getting goosebumps.
Only the thread starter can delete it. It was closed, which was fine. The person who started deleted it. I advised them next time not to do that unless there is a major reason to. It was fine the way it was closed.

See; now that's exactly WHY I have made this my new cyber home.
How can you beat customer service like that?
Thanks, Dave.
By the way, NING has a great website. Bright colors; bright people.
Yah; I can see why you went with them.
Yup, Ning has been great. Very responsive right up to top management, which includes the founder of Netscape. For a technology company that has alot of attention on it, just got $40M+ in funding, being able to get a quick personal response from their CEO when I've got issues or ideas is a very good thing. And we're just one of over 100,000 networks -- granted one of the Top 20 or so of all their networks. Lots of cool new features coming down the pike including blog improvements, member profile page improvements (like moving elements around), video channels, Wiki, events calendar features, etc.

And of course as always, invite every person in the fire service you know to come here :)
I know that has been submitted as a feature request but probably not coming in the near term.

Another one bites the dust...
Let me guess.... did it have to do with music??? lol BIG Surprise!
No, the one where the poster wanted to go back to 3/4 boots and no hoods... did the music one disappear too?


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