Our department is looking at ordering and setting up shipping containers to do live burn training in, (supposedly short-term until a larger facility can be financed).  


What training evolutions (flashover, hallway simulator) have worked best for you guys?


What problems have you experienced with shipping containers?


Where did you get your containers and what equipment will we need to do this right?


I'm just starting to look into the idea, so any helpful hints or nudges in the right direction are very much appreciated

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Hey Ryan, while my dept doesnt have a burn building you can try getting in touch with Swainsboro Ga FD. They have a rather nice connex building. As a person who has trained in it the biggest problem we found was how slick everything was as the day went on. We had above average numbers of guys go down the stairs when I did the burn out there. However that was the first time they used the building for structure fire control and for all I know they may have found a solution to that problem.



Have a look at http://www.cfbt-us.com for information on fire behavior training (including use of containers). Also send me an e-mail at ed.hartin@cfbt-us.com and I will provide you with additional information about this type of training prop.




Ed Hartin

Intermodal Container


Ryan, Just to make sure that you are communicating clearly the type of shipping container, I believe this is what you are referring too? 



Yeah, conex containers, thanks.  They come in a variety of sizes and I was just wondering how different departments have adapted them.

We have a flashover simulator made out of intermodals. It works well and is for lack of a better word a cool experience; however, you need to make sure that your instructosr are trained very well on it to save equipment from getting damaged. I would also recomend that if your department has older helmets, set some aside for these evolutions in order to not damage issued ones. Also, make sure to check your scba masks for spiderweb cracks afterwards as this is a common result of to high of temps in the simulator.  hope this helps



Our County Assc. bought this one in the fall of 2009. It's 3 units, one above two. It has many different configurations. There are many movable panels that can change the senerios. It meet all applicable standards. I was not part of the group that puchased it so I don't know how much was spent and the company's name that it was purchased from.

That's what we have as well.  We only use it for flashover training though since that alone gives it such a beating.  We also already have a class a burn building, a gas burn building and a 6 story high rise tower for other things.  Definitely one of the advantages of working for a big city department is that we have such a large training academy.


I agree with everything Wade said for if you do decide to use it as a flashover simulator.  It will definitely ruin equipment because of the heat levels that are reached inside,  However, it is one of the best training tools that I've ever used.





Here is a picture of ours.

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