Out of all the many careers choices, opportunities and rewarding experiences, would you want your son or daughter to become a firefighter?  

Firefighting is one of the most self less jobs around.  It takes loyalty and trust that is hard to find in any other career.  If your son or daughter said that they wanted to be firefighters, would you say "Absolutely!"

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Absolutley. If that was his choice. I don't want to be accused of pushing him in any direction, but if he chooses too then by all means, I will support him 110%
Oh sure, I say 100%, so you've gotta say 110%. Thanks for making me look like a terrible Father! LOL
Only if he wants to...So far he does! He has to wait 2 more yrs till he's 14 to join the explorer post.
My son has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design... and decided that he wants to follow the" old man" into the fire service. He's a call firefighter/EMT for a suburban community and is trying to get onto a career FD.
If my daughter wants to be a firefighter, I would support her 110%!!! At the same time, I would support her no matter what career she picks!
My oldest has already said that's what he wants to do as a career.

I support him, but I am steadfast that before he takes a job he at the very least needs a 2 year degree with a four year being preferable. The days of advancing from tailboard firefighter to Chief are quickly going the way of the dinosaur, and I want him to have every chance to succeed.
Being a firefighter is something to be proud of. Being a waiter, a car salesman, a cashier, are things to be proud of. No matter what my kids do, I will be proud of them. The most important thing is that they take pride in what they do and they do it well. I'm dating myself, but there was a work ethic that we had as kids. I hope that I am able to pass this work ethic on to my children no matter what they do.
I would tell them absolutely. Keep the tradition going. Make it four generations.
I believe that they should choose a career that that they truly love not for the money the glory or anything else like that because they enjoy it. You have to love what you’re doing life is too short to not love what you’re doing when you put it into perspective we sleep 8 hours a day we work 8-10 hours day and in last 6-8 hours we have left we run errands cook eat cut grass etc. so we don’t get a lot of time to really do the things we want so you better make sure you do what you love to do in your career.
Do I believe being a Volunteer or full time firefighter an excellent career choice absolutely but it may not be for my kids
I think most parents would say they would want there children to be happy and do better then they have.... at the same time I think most parents in the fire service would be extremely proud if their kid followed in their foot steps. The ultimate form of flattery is imitation ( spelling?)....
Firefighting/EMS I think is the best career there is but then again, I may be a little biased. With that said, of course I would love to see my sons choose the same path I've chosen but like so many others have already written, will support anything they choose... but encourage them to look at the long-term when selecting an education and career.
I have a 16 y/o son who is taking dual specialties at his HS Career center....IT computer programing and Fire Rescue, he's already Cisco Cert. for computers and when completed with the Fire/Rescue, he will be ProBoarded in FFI,FF2,HazMat Op and NREMT-Basic. I've been in the Fire/EMS service over 25 yrs.(wouldn't trade 1 of them for life itself) I told him if he was going to do Fire/Rescue, he had to be doing it for himself, not because he thinks it's what I want him to do.
His instructors have told me for a 16 y/o he is very focused.(now I sound like a touting parent)
To answer your question..if he's doing it because he feels it's his calling YES I'm next to him,behind him 100%, if he's doing it to please me because he thinks it's what I want him to do, he's doing it for all the wrong reasons. I'll be proud of him no matter what career he chooses.

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