Our Department is getting a new engine/rescue and thinking about putting murals on the roll-up doors of the compartments...


I am interested in hearing any ideas for sayings and/or images...

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"Your safety is Our Business"
Some departments do murals that respresent their fallen brothers/sisters and some do them for major incidents such as 9-11 the Worcester 6 here in MA or the Charlston 9.
Spend the money on training or new equipment. Murals are nice but not saving any lives.
I'm with FETC. No self-aggrandising crap. No mournful pictures of 9-11 (it was tragic, we get it). Honour the fallen and respect the taxpayers who support you by doing a good job, getting good training, and spending their money wisely.
I'm all for this idea guys.I had an older unit I was restoring and I was going to make the whole truck a mural with various fire scenes and rescues. The back of the truck would of had a memorial mural scene on it I had to stop the project when I got to the engine [an Waukesha gas engine] and the cam was $1600.00 and each of the followers were $100.00 a piece.I did manage to paint a fire scene on the curbside pump panel which I have hanging in my living room I also have the wooden roof ladder which I will eventually make individual scenes in between of the rungs.So in response to your question do you guys have any landmarks that associate your department with the community you serve?In example I live near Reading Pa and the city has the pagoda in their emblems.Or if you would like to do fire scenes just use your creativity and imagination! Good luck guys!
Thanks for the input so far...Chief Sharp I like that saying...Not looking to do a 9-11 mural we want something to represent the hard work we do for the community...we are a small volunteer department and this is our first "Brand New" truck...we want it to be a nice as it possibly can and last for many more years to come
"The hotter you get, the faster we come!"

Seriously, I'd go with no mural and spend the money on something useful, like FETC said. Stay safe!
You could do something scenic that is in your area. I live in Colorado and on our two newest engines we have a roll up on the back with mountains in the back ground and either unit number or the state and american flags in the foreground.

Donna, I have that on my letterhead. I think it exemplifies what we do.
We had a local vendor make up some decals that say, "Proudly Serving the Communities of (insert your municipality names)”. We put them on every apparatus and the residents and communities really like it. We have had nothing but positive comments on them. It was pretty low cost and if you have any contacts it may be free. They vary in size and are as big as we could fit on each truck.
All of our trucks say "Provided By The People We Protect". It's nice to let the community know we appreciate their tax revenue to purchase equipment. Now if we could only get the new hall proposal to pass,we would be set.
In our department we are in the process of purchasing four new engines. Part of the operational plan going forward will be to rotate these trucks. This meant that station specific logos would not be going on the rear roll up doors. So we have decided to really place an emphesis on our department slogan: "Neighbors serving Neighbors" This allows personalization of your department apparatus, but in such a way that it also promotes your customer. A murals' meaning may be lost to your community, a slogan will reach more people and define your mission.


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