im talking about off duty stuff like fund raisers truck work stuff sround the building, upkeep, stuff like that.
give me some input

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its called 20/80 have 20% of the people doing the work for the other 80%......Kind of a pia but it is reality
He is talking about being involved in the Department other than just showing up for calls....Like work details, training, Dinners, Maintenance, cleaning,fund raising,and the like.....
But Tommy are we really loosing anything...? If they don't train and don't support the Department what good are they other than a pair of hands...? I would rather have 10 motivated and well trained people than have 50 of the slackers....
Bro, have you ever thought about going and talking with your Chief rather then airing your Departments dirty laundry here for all to see. First your complaining about your Chief (really lack of thought there) an now your complaining about other members of your department. You've got two years on your department and your the training officer? and your here complaining about everyone but yourself? Bro, you need to consider you arnt living in a vacuum. What would you suppose your Chief or other members of your department would think if they happened to read what you have posted or hear from someone else about it? So you see that your best place to deal with these discussions in in your Chiefs office. If not then who ever the board is that oversee's him. Other then that?
That is where personalities and friendships come into play....They (Officers) are more concerned about hurting someones feelings or making someone mad than they are in running a Department...To this I say shit or get off the don't want to do the job...? then step aside....
Good call Chief...Didn't notice the 2 years in....How in the hell does a wet behind the ears Firefighter get to be "Training Officer" with 2 years in...? I think if I was there as a senior Firefighter I would tell him to go piss up a rope....and again dirty laundry does not belong here...I thought he was talking about the General problem in many Volunteer Departments with member involvement....
Perhaps making it mandatory to clean, do truck checks, upkeep, training, etc or no pager!
Ahh the social network bites again.... so basically you are from Ringold Vol Fire Department, from Ringold, OK. You have 2 years experience total in the fire service, somehow been appointed the rank of Captain, and are also the new training officer who feels at times the Fire Chief is overstepping his boundaries, (previous thread) and now you have many other members who do not help out enough around the department ( in between calls, etc.), Have I got this correct so far?

Wow I have no clue who you are personally or what your department is REALLY like but I have a pretty ugly picture of both.... "this is social networking at it's best"

Please explain how anything you have done on FFN has helped? If any of them use FFN or anyone else forwards these threads to your superiors.... you will most likely be looking at the doors from the outside.

Art, heres your next blog to live webcast topic.
PHEW! That was well said FECT.

I am suspecting this fellow is getting a lil too big for his britches, and his dreams of running that dept. are taking too long for his liking, and perhaps he is trying to fastrack the process.
I will say it again, NOTHING GOOD can come out of this method.
Here is something else to consider, and for god's sake take THIS to heart if nothing else.. I have read accounts of many similar situations.. bored or over eager firefighters. They soon begin to create their own "action" I am hoping this has not crossed your mind, and never will. I hope you understand the jist of this ok?
Settle the F'k down and enjoy the experience of being involved in a fire dept.
There are many out there that would love to have the chance to keep serving but for one reason or another are unable to. I know this to be true.. I am one of them!! I would piss on a sparkplug if I thought it would help me get back on a fire dept. to contribute in whatever capacity I can. It bothers me to see someone who is sooo anxious to make their mark in the fire service, taking the wrong approach.
Sooner or later (if it hasn't already happened) other members of your dept. are going to read this stuff and the "el toro pooh pooh" you are starting to cause within. Stop the madness.
Ringold15, I respect that you are making an attempt to solve problems that you see existing in your department. People who are willing to step up and make a contribution are much needed. Using this forum and others is an excellent way to canvas ideas and learn a few things, but you need to approach this kind of thing in general terms and be very mindful of how a post can be interpreted. The intent of a spoken sentence is usually clear, but in electronic world intent can be completely miss-read.

The things you are mentioning hint to a motivation and moral problem to me. In my experience the number one factor responsible for this is the top end of the leadership team. This goes for any organization, not just fire departments. Like other have said, your best bet, if you can, is to bring it up directly, diplomatically and clearly with the white hats. You might have to accept defeat sometimes too, but good luck with achieving your goals.
im not complaiing about either one of my topics just asking for others opinions thats all
i am and i do have a 562 hrs of training and more fire runs than everyone but the chief, i am not wet behind the ears, no one on my dep. has those stats in two years

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