because we rnot full time thats why we just risk our lives the same as paid

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Funny, from all the comments I've read in the (variously worded) 'firefighter's are great' discussions (not to mention those fabulous poems), I thought that just being a firefighter was its own reward. What exactly were you hoping to get?
There's the pot calling the kettle black. ;-0
Besides, I'd like the job much better if it weren't for having to help people all of the time. It just gets in the way.
I hope you turned off the heat under that griller Ralph!
That thread title was one of the hardest things I've ever tried to read! Please mate, put the effort into working on your spelling and some grammer - how could you ever write a report for a medical call? And you state 'basic firefighter' and 'Hazmat Ops'? Basic firefighter almost, but for Hazmat you need to be able to write.

Anyway. This is your first post? Starting off with a complaint about volunteer recognition and/or volunteer/perm differences is not a good start. Talking about differences can only make a small problem worse. (I'm a vol, I work with career Ffs all the time, we work well together, we are friends) Spend time in here reading, there is a lot for any of us to learn. I know I do.
You want recognition and applause for doing great things???....... become a magician.
Well, it's like I always say...

The job's a pain in the ass, but at least the pay sucks!
May I ask-- who do you want to be recognized by?? Similar postings such as this have been discussed before with a lot of recognition.
It took me close to 37 years to get reconiztion for everything I have done. I was inducted into my county's Hall Of Fame a couple of years back for the work I have done for my fire company, the community, the county and the state.
If your fire company has banquets don't they reconize their members for all the work they have done for the year.
I can still be inducted into the state's Hall of Fame if my fire company wants to surmit the info so that I have that too.
You know as a volunteer myself I just shake my head when I see posts like this. Professionalism should shine through no matter what we do and that includes spelling and posting. I see at least 13 grammatical/spelling errors in your title & one sentence that is comprised of only 27 words! That is a dismal 52% success rate . . . not very professional in my book.

I just posted a blog that I wrote last week that fits in perfectly with this discussion.

Do the job to the best of your ability for the betterment of the commuity and the safety of your crew. That hand patting your back can be better served doing something else.
I have to agree with many who have posted a response on this...It's not what you are recognized for that counts, it's what motovates you to it in the first place that makes firefighters special people. I am a volunteer and I take great pride in assisting my community when they are having a bad day. It is this pride that I carry everyday, knowing that I have the abilty to assist someone in their time of need that keeps me going. Everyone in society has a place where they can make a difference; I am proud that I can make a difference in public safety. I am proud that I can provide prehospital medical care, I am proud that I can provide rescue assistance, I am proud I can provide fire supression. I am proud to be part of a team that selflessly offers their expertice to the citizens of our community free of charge, and for the bettermant of mankind. At the end of the day, having someone give you a truly heart felt thank you is the best recognition I can recieve. As anywhere in the world, our small community has had its fair share traumatic events occur, but nothing makes me feel better about our community than doing something for others because there is a need that you can help fullfill.
I do like cheese! LOL! Okay, okay...I get it. Little over the top. Problem is I have to listen day in and day out to the guys that are lways lokking for somethn' for nothin'. It gets old. The bottom line is, I do it becuase I love it! I can't think of any other way to spend my personal tme than walking out of a smoky building after a solid knock down.

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