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Well we tried to activate the new pontoon pumper . It didn't work. Back to the drawing board we go
hey chief, when did we get the new fireboat?
You'll never believe the things people will throw away! Oh well, one man's trash is anothers treasure!
Chief told me I needed more training on the front suction.
hey Zeke, you figure by pushing on it with your foot, you can get the whole thing to sink? Hey, you'se guys - don't just stand there in your pretty lil shorts- help us out.. everyone push & It might go in.
Driver, you still with us? might as well shut the red lights off, they won't help!
Just tell the chief those dudes, from operation repo came and got it. oh, Sonia, whatta babe! mmmmmmmm!
Look at what me and the kids caught when we went fishing!!
But chief, NFPA said we needed to test the snorkel on the engine every year.
Well Chief, that's what happens when you don't get input from the apparatus committee.
Captain: Engine 1 to county?
Dispatch: Engine 1.
Captain: Roll 2 wreckers to fire headquarters, the idiot mechanic put toyota brakes on this truck and the engine decided to take a swim.
how many times have i told u the wheel chocks go in front of the wheels
Sorry Chief....the sun was in my eyes.
Started out as a drafting drill, but who knew this lake had a high tide.

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