December 3, 2009 marks the 10th anniversary of the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse fire that resulted in the line of duty death of six courages brother firefighters.

The Worcester Six;
Firefighter Paul Brotherton Rescue 1
Firefighter Jeremiah Lucey Rescue 1
Lieutenant Thomas Spencer Ladder 2
Firefighter Timothy Jackson Ladder 2
Firefighter James Lyons Engine 3
Firefighter Joseph McGuirk Engine 3

Take a moment to reflect on the events of December 3, 1999 and what they may mean to you. Consider your knowledge and understanding of buildings and structures within your district and surrounding response areas. Remember; “Building Knowledge = Firefighter Safety”.

For those of you who do not know about this incident, attached is the USFA Incident Report that provides insights into the event and the lessons learned. Also check out the NIOSH Report and numerous archived articles on the web and within various journals

On Friday, December 3, 1999, at 1813 hours, the Worcester, Massachusetts Fire Department dis¬patched Box 1438 for 266 Franklin Street, the Worcester Cold Storage and Warehouse Co. A motor¬ist had spotted smoke coming from the roof while driving on an adjacent elevated highway. The original building was constructed in 1906, contained another 43,000 square feet. Both were 6 stories above grade. The building was known to be abandoned for over 10 years. Due to these and other factors, the responding District Chief ordered a second alarm within 4 minutes of the initial dispatch.

The first alarm assignment brought 30 firefighters and officers and 7 pieces of apparatus to the scene. The second provided an additional 12 men and 3 trucks as well as a Deputy Chief. Firefighters encountered a light smoke condition throughout the warehouse, and crews found a large fire in the former office area of the second floor. An aggressive interior attack was started within the second floor and ventilation was conducted on the roof. There were no windows or other openings in the warehousing space above the second floor.

Eleven minutes into the fire, the owner of the abutting Kenmore Diner advised fire operations of two homeless people who might be living in the warehouse. The rescue company, having divided into two crews, started a building search. Some 22 minutes later the rescue crew searching down from the roof became lost in the vast dark spaces of the fifth floor. They were running low on air and called for help. Interior conditions were deteriorating rapidly despite efforts to extinguish the blaze, and visibility was nearly lost on the upper floors.

Investigators have placed these two firefighters over 150 feet from the only available exit.
An extensive search was conducted by Worcester Fire crews through the third and fourth alarms. Suppression efforts continued to be ineffective against huge volumes of petroleum based materials, and ultimately two more crews became disoriented on the upper floors and were unable to escape. When the evacuation order was given one hour and forty-five minutes into the event, five firefighters and one officer were missing. None survived.

A subsequent exterior attack was set up and lasted for over 20 hours utilizing aerial pieces and del¬uge guns from Worcester and neighboring departments. Task force groups from across the State of Massachusetts responded to initial suppression and subsequent recovery efforts. During this time, the four upper floors collapsed onto the second which became known as “the deck”. Over 6 million gallons of water were used during the suppression efforts.

According to NFPA records, this is the first loss of six firefighters in a structure fire where neither building collapse nor an explosion was a contributing factor to the fatalities. (Excerpt from USFA report )

Remember the sacrafice, the honor and courage...

Take at look at The Worcester Telegram & Gazette which has an archived webpage;

Read the rest of the detailed post HERE at the Blog

USFA Abandoned Buildings Special Download HERE



Derelict buildings marked after Mass. LODDs

Haunting memories spurred Mass. chief to positive action

Special 10 Year Anniversary Coverage HERE

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Paul.. you are incorrect... the book "3000 Degrees" was written by Sean Flynn.

He is not a Worcester firefighter.

I know a few of the people mentioned in the book, including Chief MacNamee.

I will be in Worcester tonight for the ceremony.
I will never forget the W6, I can remember it like yesterday. I travel pass the fire scene twice a day. I was at my house when the news came across the TV. We had a couple runs that night and the guys keep talking about the big fire in Worcester. The next morning I got a call from work that the 290 bridge was still closed and that I should come through the backside of Worcester to get to work. So that first morning I only saw pictures of what happen. I knew it was going to be emotional by the mountains of flowers at the Fire Stations I passed. You never see the out pouring of care and concern from the public until things like this happen. I knew passing each Station, I would grow more emotional to the Brotherhood's loss. It was hard not to shed a tear thinking of them and their families. It was amazing to see the City of Worcester come together in this time of need. And also in the days after the way everyone came together to honor the W6. This will always have a spot in my memory bank as I still travel to Worcester, MA every day to my job at Wrightline LLC. Always Remember our Brothers.

I really love the fact that a new firehouse sits on the site of the former warehouse.
God Bless!
Please don't take this the wrong way anyone, but this is one reason why I personally refuse to display any of those '343' stickers, or anything that says "remember 343". NOT to detract from that tragedy in ayway, and not to be disrespectful.

But how about just plain 'Remember them all' ?

The 12 decades ago from FDNY, the Boston Vendome, the Hackensack 5, the Worchester 6, the Keokuk 3, The Charleston 9, and on and on to every past, and, sadly, future loss of our family. The single number incident, the doubles, the triples...all of them.

This job can be just so difficult sometimes. Let's never forget every one of us, and honor our committment to their names to prevent whatever losses we can in the future.
I just got back from the 10th anniversary ceremony for the W6.

I think that Tom, Jerry, Paul, Tim, Jay and Joe had something to do with the weather... it was forecast was supposed to be cold and rainy, it turned out to be clear and in the high 60's (in December!)

It started earlier in the day with the Firefighter of the Year ceremonies at the Hanover Theatre, where the firefighters of the Commonwealth were recognized by the State Fire Marshal for their efforts in protecting life and property.

The actual W6 ceremony began with a collation at Union Station. Firefighters from all over the US and Canada began by meeting there, meeting old friends and making new ones. Outside of Union Station, members of the Worcester Fire Pipes and Drums, the Connecticut Firefighters Pipes and Drums and other pipe bands were warming up.

The pipes and drums then formed the head of the procession. A sea of dress blue uniforms proceeded from Union Station to the Franklin Street Fire Station, which was built on the property where the Worcester Cold Storage building once stood.

Chief of Special Operations Frank DeLiddo served as the Master of ceremonies. After the invocation by one of the Worcester Fire Chaplains, the speakers included DeLiddo, Lt. Governor Tim Murray, Governor Deval Patrick, US Representative Jim McGovern, City Manager Mike O'Brien, PFFM president Bob McCarthy, actor Denis Leary, who's cousin, Jeremiah Lucey was killed in the W6 fire, and Worcester Fire Chief Gerry Dio.

At 18:13 hours, a recording of the first radio transmission striking the box for the Worcester Cold Storage fire was played, followed by a toll of the bell and the reading of the names.As each name was called, members of the families each placed a single red rose in front of the memorial. When all 6 names were called, the orders of "attention" and "present arms" were given. There was a 21 gun salute, followed by the Pipes and Drums performing "Amazing Grace". After another of the WFD's Chaplains gave the benediction, the pipes and drums then led the procession back to Union Station, where the collation continued.

As we walked back to Union Stations, the crowd of civilians who turned out were applauding us as we went by.

I went to Brew City with a few friends to enjoy dinner and a few Magic Hat Howl Winter lagers. A couple of lovely young women bought us a round, and as the ranking officer at our table, I went to thank them for their generosity.

It was a fitting tribute for some true heroes...

God Bless the W6!
Ron, thanks for sharing your experience tonight.
Kind of puts the whole damn xmas sign issue into perspective.
Just listened to John Sullivan two weeks ago One of the best seminars one could attend and learn from. BE SAFE!!!
hola me llamo Miguel soy jefe de bomberos voluntarios de Argentina en la Provincia de san Luis impresionante este relato me gustaria saber si hay versinones del libro en español como se daran cuenta no hablo ingles, y mireflexion sobre este hecho es que en toda emergrncia se cometen errores y aveces lo que parece muy simple se torna muy complicado aca tuvimos en este año hace un mes dos casos de bomberos fallecidos en servicio y un civil solo que a diferencia de ustedes aca son incendios forestales y bueno una cosa tan simple como cuidar que el fuego no sobrepase una banquina sobre una autopista uno fallecio por inhalacion de humo algo habia en la banquina algun producto quimico que provoco la muerte de uno de los bomberos y el otro por una descarga electrica bajo una linea de 13,2 kv que segun la compañia de electricidad estaba cortada ra algo simple pero se torno peligroso y eso suele pasar mis condolencias para las familias de los 6 heroes de su comunidad y nuestro homenje para ellos desde mi comunidad.
Jeff... a "remember them" all sticker would be a great idea... and I have an idea for the layout. Let me work with my son, who has a degree in graphic design and see what we can come up with.
Awesome poem....although very sad:( never know when our families could face this same thing, and that's why it's so important to Remember why everyone has chosen this profession, God Bless All!
Thanks for sharing, Ron.

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