Our department follows the old traditions of a secret ballot after a prospective member files the appropriate paperwork to become a volunteer. The member can only receive 3 "no" votes and they are not allowed on. Whether or not majority rules, they are off if any 3 members vote no. How do you guys go about bring members on? Honestly, I don't like our ways, but this is our bylaws (which should be changed). I've seen guys who would've been good firefighters get shot down. Any suggestions?

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First of all it is my Job as Chief to decide who joins the Department. We go through a background check and specific interview of perspective applicants. As to voting them into the Department maybe you should allow them to attend a few drills and observe/ interact before you vote on them. Personalities can get in the way of a good firefighter not being voted in because of not fitting in or being part of the click. Years ago our Department used to do this. Now they only vote on whether a person is allowed into the Firefighters Association (kinda a Dept club) I give the person a 6 months probation to see how they will interact and fit in. Most of the time if I have a question about someone it comes to the surface pretty quick or they just dont come back. Bottom line is you need new volunteers and unless they are friends with the group its going to be hard for someone unknown to be accepted into the group if they are no given a chance. God luck Bro.
Yea get rid of the system that seems unfair .. By laws can be changes with a new bylaw by posting the new one that you would like to see instead .. Must get a first and sec nod then maj to rule on it then sits for 30 days then voted on as a changed bylaw..... Time to move on.. Easier to kick a bad one out than to not aloow good ones in for personel reasons.... As it sounds like..Good bud
What a tough process...just three no votes. Doesn't seem fair.

Work to change your By-Laws. You're losing many good and dedicated candidates.

Our perspective members must live in town.
In our FD they have to fill out an application.
It goes to a Membership Committee.
During this time they attend drills and meetings, and interact, thus showing serious interest.
They are interviewed by the membership committee, then the committee votes on there recommendation.
Then the application goes to the trustees for approval and is voted on at the next monthly meeting by the membership (applicant must be present during this vote, if not it's tabled until the next monthly meeting) and majority vote wins.

Good luck with the making changes. It's one of the toughest things to get done....change. {We've done it this way for many years, why do we need change?}. Stay safe, train often and share knowledge.
After they fill out the application they are on a 90 day probationary period. They are required to attend all meetings/trainings and respond to as many calls as possible. During this time they are not allowed to drive apparatus or have a key to the station. After the 90 days their actions/attendance is reviewed by the officers and after a background check is what determines whether they continue or not.
Nice advice. Thanks Chief
Well Paul i know what you mean on this my old department done this we had the blackball system and alot of guys did not get in even after back ground checks that where clean until prospective member turned around and sued the department if you are a volunteer you can not be turned down unless you have a bad back ground check and the chief has some good points too good luck with this
our chief makes the decision after the police checks ect
that voting system is a bit rubbish i think suer the chief can canvas the other ffs to get a informed opinion
i personally think a voting system in a small town could make the dept look a bit eleitist if they keep knocking people back
After they turn in the application and go through an interview panel with the officers they are put on a 90 day probation, during this time they show up at the station to help and show up on only fire calls to help and show that they are interested. After the 90 days are up we vote openly if anyone objects then the member can stand up and explain his reason for voting no. If they are voted on that's when they get gear, voice pager, and a key.
I'm gonna just Black Ball this discussion ;oP
In our dept., an applicant fills out his application. Then he/she meets members of the brigade. After that, the application has to be signed by 4 members to even be considered. Then, there is a 6 month probie term where the applicant goes to all meetings/trainings and calls. On calls he is to observe or perform background work such as setting up porta-tanks, getting more hose,getting ladders off trucks and to getting water for the thirsty. After the 6 months the members of the brigade vote on the applicant at the monthly meeting, where majority wins. You get to know people after 6 months for sure, work habbits, thought processes, people skills etc. This has been successful so far.
i think the voting thing should go out the window
everyone deserves a chance, our brigade is too small to have votes we need as many as we can get

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