I was curious how other departments Officers function in that is it a must for them to know how to run the pump on an engine or is this something that an Officer is not required to know?

Thanks, TJ

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In my department, one must be an EO to be eligible to become an officer. One must learn to follow, before they can lead.
Everyone on the department, with the exception of EMS only personnel (if you have them), should know how to run the pumps. Especialy for a volunter or part-paid department. You never know who is going to show up.
We have to know how to run every pump. If there is a problem with it at any time, it makes sense to have multiple minds. I try to stay sharp on the pump skills and during hose testing, I try to get involved. Same for the pump testing.
In my department one of the first things you learn is how to run is the pumps. We never know who is going to show up. The best pump operator we have is our assistant chief, we also don't have any dedicated pump operators.
All members of my department should have been trained to operate a fire pump. So it shouldn't be that big of a deal other than officers should be officering and not MPO-ing. ;OP
In my last department everyone knew basic pump ops and you were required to be a driver/operator..engineer (etc) to be a officer. My current department you may promote to Captain after five years of service and never having driven a piece of apparatus....BAD REG!!! Officers should know how to fight fire/save lives(ems)/drive a rig/pump a rig ALL before being eligible to promote!
i belive an officer should know how to run every pice of gear you own weather it is an pumper or tanker or an ladder my dept you must know how to operater all the gear before you are looked to get premotoed
From an Officer's standpoint, I understand that there are people on my crew who are better at certain things than I am. I am not the greatest at everything, but I do know everyone's strengths and weaknesses. It is critical for me to be proficient in every aspect of my job and especially my apparatus. If my Driver/Operator radios me with a problem, I have to be able to determine what is worth troubleshooting and when it is time to take that apparatus out of service and use another piece on scene. I am not the greatest Pumper in the Fire Service, but I have to be able to pump, troubleshoot, and be there for my Driver/Operator when he needs me. so, my answer is Yes, Officers should be proficient in every aspect of their Company and apparatus.
Every officer should know the operation of each piece of apparatus and equipment, in my opinion, if they do not, then they need to ride only a desk and not the truck,engine,tanker,etc.
Absolutely. Here it's a requirement to even run for a line officer position.
all officers should know how to run the pump and the more ff the better any dept is

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