WELL ITS ALL BUT OVER. Am i the only one worried about the outcome of the election just curious

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I was really hoping McCain was going to win But really did not care Just thought he was the lessor of 2 evils. I wish for once a candidate would go on stage and tell everyone hes not promising anything but that he (or she) will bust thier butts to make the country prosper. I think to me that would mean more than for them to say I am gonna do this or that when most likely it won't happen. I do hope he can help the country out and will stand behind him as our President, just like I have done with all the past presidents.
So the morning after the night before!! Statter has posted something on what it may mean for fire service - http://www.wusa9.com/news/columnist/blogs/2008/11/quick-takes_05.html
A men brother:)
im worried about whats going to happen after he pulls the troops out will he defend us fron irac or are we screwed
READ what I WROTE, not what you THINK I was saying. I'm not bangin' a bible, I was responding to the part where someone said they didn't trust anyone who was ok with killing babies. MY POINT was that abortion and gay rights should not be a POLITICAL issue that we base who we elect the people leading the country on . Those should be PERSONAL issues that everyone has a right to decide how they live. I didn't SEE ANYTHING HERE about the end of the world nor did I READ ANY quotes from ANYONES bible. What I said that the choice should be between a woman & HER devine being. Not about my god or my religion, you read something that wasn't written.
I couldn't have said your first 2 paragraphs any better.

I just hope that people who voted for McCain will stand up and say "I Love My Country, I am going to support my leader even though I did not vote for him. Because voicing my opinion is a privilege I have living in American. And in the end I AM AN AMERICAN and I will support the man/woman in charge."

If the McCain supporters start to dissent against Obama just because he won the election, we WILL have a crisis on our hands.


We are all allowed to have our individual beliefs but we can't go around attacking people because they believe in something different, then it will turn into a big mess of hate crimes, and hate crimes lead to even bigger badder events, which is what America has always stood against.


I'll step off my soap box now.
No Joe right before they killed him Elvis came in and saved him , they flew away in a little spaceship.
"Canadia" is where the Canadian geese go for the summer, if I'm not mistaken.
Pulling out of Irag, Downsizing the military, Cut military funding, Nation wide health plan, Nation wide police force, Extremely harsh gun control, Bankrupt coal companies thiers a whole list but going by them why should we be worried.
I voted for McCain and was praying hard that he would win but now that he lost we are going to make the best with what we got. If we stay seperated it will just keep getting worse.
Almost forgot "nuke free country"
AllI can say is "Does anyone have an island for sale?" If you are caught saying anything negative about Obama,he will put you in jail.Look at what has been happening.Now, even our utility rates are going up.He said that in an interview.terrorist ties,again look at the proof.How can we have a president that will not salute the flag!I am sick.I want to know what the americans that voted him in know that we don't.What do they see that I don't?Be safe to all and God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damnthing wrote: "Knuckle heads, it is NOT the end of the world, it's just another president. It happens every 4 or 8 years, and if you happen to be on the losing end you think the shit has hit the fan. give me a break.

You don't like Obama, fine but deal with it, he's the next president, nothing like not giving somebody a chance to prove themselves. besides, why do people always run around screaming it's over, it's CONGRESS that determines the laws, legislation and and spending. It's also technically a republic, where we elect representatives who then represent us."

I agree with this completely - one man does not the government make. Barack Obama was elected President, not dictator.

I voted for Barack Obama, because of one point raised during the debates. This was the issue of sitting down with leaders of other nations "without preconditions." Apparently many people thought that the POTUS going to talk with leaders without these "preconditions" would be a breach in decorum, or just plain unthinkable.

Folks, this is what leaders do - they do whatever it takes to achieve the end goal, even if it means some self sacrifice, or swallowing one's pride. In this case, "meeting without preconditions" showed me that the man is prepared to do what it takes to make progress toward world peace. Perhaps an impossible goal, but we won't know unless we try.

Who knows, maybe we'll have a few less enemies out there four years from now. I'm willing to give him a chance. Anyone else?

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