
Water Tenders

Water Tenders and operators - The bastard step kids of the fire fighting community but they love us when they need us!

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Latest Activity: Aug 26, 2012

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Rual area water supply

Started by Rick. Last reply by Marty D. Ross Apr 19, 2009. 2 Replies

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Comment by jonathan estep on July 27, 2012 at 3:55pm

he have 3 total 2 of them are 4000 gallons and the small one 1900 gallons lets just say we get alot of mutial aid calls.

Comment by phillip hice on December 19, 2010 at 5:09pm

2004 KW 3000 gal tank with 1500 gpm pump
Comment by phillip hice on November 6, 2010 at 11:05pm
We have a 3000 gl KW . Dumps on each side & 1 in back. Also 1500 gpm pump. When we get a call we also have 4 more dept. coming. I think 2 are 1800 gal , 1 is 2500 & 1 is 3500. We go out the door 5500gal. Have a 5 rateing hauling water. Has any one heard of Turbo draft, works good in lakes, pools creeks. Works better than floating pumps?
Comment by John Lord on October 16, 2010 at 10:44pm
What do you guys think of the vacum tanker system? Some of the guys talked about wanting to get one. Are they all they are cracked up to be?
Comment by Bekks on July 13, 2010 at 12:38am
Our tanker is 1500 Gallons... but it is a "vacu-tanker"... refills in SIX MINUTES... then we are on our way back to the scene! Guess they figured the fast refills made up for the "smaller" tank...
Comment by Matt Nesius on March 18, 2010 at 11:45am
Hello all, I wanted to invite you to check out a new site called Its a site for FFs to buy, sell and trade with other FFs, for free. Thanks, stay safe.
Comment by Marty D. Ross on April 5, 2009 at 8:02pm
Wanted to share a story . We were at a house fire when the news people showed up wanting an interview, they asked how much water we could supply at one time. Our answer was if we get all our trucks in route we can supply 30,000 gallons. What was said on T.V was we could supply 300,000 gallons in one truck, and showed a picture of our 2200 gallon tanker. Needless to say Chiefs from other departments said as long as you bring that truck we want you on our scene.. Of course they new the difference.
Comment by Marty D. Ross on April 5, 2009 at 11:46am
My first department was known as the county water boys. Things have really changed around here, Once the city of springfield had to call on a volunteer dept. to supply water for a large structure. We have a fleet of 6 tankers,89 international called the flame, 1976 ford named Sully, 1985 chevy named kodiac, Theres a very old milk truck, (gotta go) a1976 chevy (the piece) 76 ford The ghost. but things are looking up very soon we will be taking delivery of our new pumper from deep south.
Comment by Donnie Hood K14 on March 28, 2009 at 4:25pm


1650 Gal

1200 Gal
Ours are small compared to the water you guys are bringing.
both our engines also carry 1000 gal.
Comment by Jason Koontz on March 28, 2009 at 12:55pm
Hey, is it wrong to be aroused by the sight of a tender? Dean, them trucks is niiiiiiiiiiccccce!!!!

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