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  • Alison Aprhys
  • lee alexander bryant
  • Kent
  • Liz O'Neill
  • Allan Pyke
  • David Elson
  • Matt Tipper
  • Robert William Gleeson
  • Laura Sargent
  • Hailey Knight
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  • Alan McGuigan
  • Andrew(Skinny) Lingard
  • Quinton Lejeune

Arron's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
8 years with the volunteer firies
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
New South Wales Rural Fire Service
Years With Department/Agency
8 years with the New South Wales Rural Fire Service
My Training:
8 years with NSW RFS (currently trained in Bush Firefighting, Village Firefighting, Advanced Firefighting, CABA, Rural Fire Driver and a few other bits and pieces)
About Me:
Volunteer firefighter in NSW, Australia. Live in Sydney, Australia. Big Sports Fan - Especially Cricket and Rugby League - Go the Bunnies.

I am a patch collector, If your interested in trading let me know and I can sort something out. I mainly have New South Wales Police and New South Wales Rural Fire Service Patches but I also have a few others. Im interested in trading with anyone, but im trying to collect all the Australian States for a patch board for my station. Drop me a comment or email.
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The smell of bushfire smoke...awesome, great friendships

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At 9:40pm on August 2, 2012, RON aka "LUCKY" said…

Hey mate/bro, hows life treating you lately ,,,  how bout those Olympics !  we've been able to watch some of it here at work, chiefs been away on holiday so our daily routine has been somewhat relaxed if you get my drift lmao ,,,


just a reminder, don't forget me if/when you get you new department tee-shirts designed ,,  again I'd love to have one from your country and will send you one from here in exchange ,,,


be safe, train hard and play harder ,,,

At 7:40pm on April 14, 2012, RON aka "LUCKY" said…

hey mate, how's life treating you ,,,  over here things are good ,,,  my wife is recovering nicely from her battle with breast cancer ,,,  work, well we're into our new contract and schedule, 1 on, 2 off, 1 on then 4 off ,,,  didn't think i would enjoy it as mucah as i have but how can you not ,,,  between that and my hours getting cut in half but not loosing a dime, you could say "life is GREAT" ,,,  and it's also nice to work with the same guys every shift now ,,,

so heard anything else about that looser (won't mention a name) ,,,  i was looking at old conversations to track someone down and i saw ours and i was reminded ,,,  and i will remind you ,,,  if you get some new department tee-shirts printed, i'd still love to get one and i will send you one of ours, i'm not looking for something for nothing ,,,  but to have something from your country would be the balls ,,, (that means great !)

drop me a note some time, would love to hear how things are out your way ,,,  be safe and god bless ,,,


At 5:17am on January 17, 2012, Terri said…

our season started out with a Bang. We had the bad fires down in Margaret River and a few locally. but since then it has been really quiet.

the weather has been milder, but it is starting to warm up again now, so hopefully we will see some action soon! I have been training some new firefighters too, so it would be nice to be able to get them to a fire soon so they can use their newly learned skills!

stay safe!!

At 8:04pm on January 4, 2012, Terri said…

Hi Arron!!  well its been a while between drinks!! i dont get on here too often :)

I am with Bunbury Bushfire Brigade in Bunbury in the South West of Western Australia.

I have been in the Brigade for approx 17 years now, i love it!!

What about you? what Brigade are you with?



At 6:41am on July 6, 2011, Andrew said…
trade patches.

Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.
At 7:39pm on February 3, 2011, RON aka "LUCKY" said…
hey man, don't forget me when you get new tee-shirts ,,,, i accidently deleted you from my friend list and can't figure out how to undo it ,,,,

good luck, be safe ,,,

At 5:22am on December 22, 2010, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well my friend!!! Stay safe.

At 10:26pm on October 23, 2010, lee alexander bryant said…
cheers mate all good here hope its the same 4 u
At 7:04pm on October 2, 2010, JAIME PEREZ TORRES said…
Hi Arron
I have one patche for you and more patches from México, how many patches do you can send me I can send you 5 or more patches to you
My address is
HIDALGO 524-9A-502
At 11:12am on September 16, 2010, Kent said…
I got your patches in the mail today, take care.

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