  • Male
  • Myrtle Beach, SC
  • United States
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Eddie's Friends

  • Marco Cesar C. Abrazado
  • Conrad W. Alt IV
  • N.Y fire fighter  Lt. #503
  • Jason McDonald
  • Naty
  • kyle
  • Cameron Monroe, Captain, Argyle
  • Micki Bailey
  • Sara
  • John Simons
  • Cam B
  • debbie snacks
  • sheila smith
  • Shawn
  • Apryl

Eddie's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Georgetwn County Fire Ems
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Verplanck Fire Dept
Montrose Fire Dept
Clark AFB FD, RP
Horry County Rescue Squad
Horry County Fire Rescue
Victory Fire Dept Baghdad, Iraq
My Training:
IFSAC FF I and II, Fire Inst I ,II, Fire Officer I, Fire and Life Safety Educator I
Incident Safety Officer, SC Paramedic, NREMT-P,ACLS,BCLS, PALS,PEPP, ADV BTLS, PHTLS,AMLS, EVDT, Pumps Ops I and II, Aerial Op's, Truck Company Op's
Haz Mat Op's, Haz Mat Tech, Rope Rescue Op's, Confined Space Rescue I, Vehichle Extrication, PADI Adv Open Water, ERT: Basic Concepts, Arson Detection for First Responders, ICS, ICS for High Rise, ICS for Structural Collapse, PICO,STICO, Building Construction Principles: Combustable, Leadership I, II,FLAG, Firefighter Safety and Survival; A Company Officers Responsability

Inst: EVDT, Basic FF, FF I,Extrication, Incident Safety Officer, NIMS,PICO,STICO,
Day Job:
Fire Lieutenant
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The Rush
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety on the Fireground, Protective gear that allows us to go far into the beasts livingroom, lack of funds to properly do our jobs, lack of adequet equipment, Lack of Training funds

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Eddie's Blog

Firefighter Rehab and NFPA Compliance

Posted on November 12, 2010 at 3:12pm 2 Comments

NFPA 1584 requires rehab at the scene of all emergancy incidents;as well as training exercises. Highlights of 1584 include nine different specific areas. Some aerea's of importance include Relief from the climatic zones, Calorie and electrolyte replacement, and medical monitoring just to name a few. We are all aware that many of the larger cities across the nation have specific rehab units. These units respond to assignments beyond the first alarm. There are also units such as the salvation…


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At 1:35pm on February 9, 2010, Jon Strong said…
We will be coming to Myrtle Beach Nov. 7th for the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge and was wondering if we could tour your fire station, I know it's a ways away but just wanted to get things lined up nbefore I forgot.
Hawarden Fire & Rescue
Jon Strong
At 2:22am on February 14, 2009, Naty said…
hi! thanks for the commen!!! you pics are very nice too! we are in touch. Mantenete a salvo! stay safe
At 9:17pm on November 6, 2008, joseph j carroll said…
ok ed great-still fighting the battle here in ny,recently the city was denied the dismisal so the case now goes to discovery-amazing,we can have a black president but not a white fire lieutenant! lol
At 11:04am on June 18, 2008, robert f newkirk said…
hi eddie my name is robert newkirk I take fire photos for abour 6 fire dept. in cape may county n.j if my photos can help just late me know .
I ask is that you late me know and we talk about how and were the photos go thank you
At 8:34am on May 13, 2008, joseph j carroll said…
no win yet eddie, things are going in the right direction. we will see how it goes,thanks jjc
At 11:02am on May 8, 2008, Eddie said…
you should shoot tony an email...he was asking about you
At 9:30pm on May 7, 2008, Marcus said…
Eddie, how the hell are ya! It is so good to hear from you. Everything is going great. I'm stationed at Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter. I'm a firefighter now in the Air Force and I love it. I go back to the beach every couple of weeks to visit my and Christi's parents, so keep in touch so we can get together. We got a lot of catching up to do. Take care of yourself brother and I hope to hear from you soon.

P.S. Sorry it freaking took so long for me to respond to you, I finished up a refresher class for my medic, so I've been pretty busy.
At 8:47pm on May 4, 2008, Bernard Val Co said…
Hey thanks for the add... Be safe...
At 12:43pm on May 4, 2008, Nick Coutsouvanos said…
Thank you, appreciate you sharing your thoughts. If you or your organization are ever in need of advanced training, please contact us.
At 10:50am on May 4, 2008, Wellie Eglorianin, M.A. Ed. said…
Bro, yes we all miss CAB.

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