Sebastopol Urban Fire Brigade-Country Fire Authority
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Five years Firefighter/Road Crash Rescue with New Zealand Fire Service (Volunteer), one year Community Fire Educator (paid) with New Zealand Fire Service.
I have just returned from my station where I learned a fellow fire fighter has fallen defending Victoria. Apparently his tanker rolled and he died as a result of injuries received.
He was 62 years of age and was from Tolmie Brigade.
Please spare a thought for his family at this time. For further details visit
Welcome to Firefighternation Steve...hope your better at uploading and deleting unwanted pics!! I can't for the life of me figure how to change my profile pic!...
Good Luck!
Steve, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.
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Good Luck!
Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon