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Sun News Report

SILVER CITY - Two new lightning-caused fires were reported in the Gila National Forest Thursday.

The Sawmill Fire, of the Silver City Ranger District, 15 miles southwest of Silver City in the Burro Mountains, was contained at 2 1/2 acres late Thursday evening.

The North Fire, of the Wilderness Ranger District in the Aldo Leopold Wilderness, about 30 miles northeast of Silver City, was reported late Thursday afternoon. By Thursday evening, eight firefighters were on the scene.

Three other lighting-caused wildfires continue to be managed to achieve resource objectives within ponderosa pine ecosystems on the Gila National Forest. The Diamond, Meason and Willow fires are expected to remain active until the monsoon season is established, predicted for late June or early July.

A Wildland Fire Management Team will begin managing the Diamond and Meason fires today. This combined effort helps maintain the highest priority objectives - firefighter and public safety - on all incidents.

The Diamond Fire, of the Wilderness Ranger District in the Aldo Leopold Wilderness, is 45 miles north of Silver City. It was first detected May 28, and is about 7,256 acres in size. A trace of precipitation was recorded Thursday. Fire behavior is described as low to moderate, while the fire slowly burns through grass, pi on juniper and ponderosa pine forest vegetation. Wednesday's activities involving relocation of Gila Trout was successful. That fire is currently staffed with 63 firefighters.

The Meason Fire, also in the Wilderness Ranger District, is about 35 miles north of Silver City. It was first detected June 1 and is estimated at 3,700 acres, exhibiting low to moderate fire behavior. The fire is moving along the ground and primarily is being fueled by grass, with some burning pi on juniper and ponderosa pine. The fire continues to spread slowly in all directions. Plans to notify six to 10 occupants of possible evacuation from the Diamond Bar Ranch remain in effect. Resource specialists were successful in relocating 250 Gila Trout during Wednesday's operations. The closure of Forest Road 150 is pending; however, it is not closed at this time. If traveling along Forest Road, be prepared for intermittent and temporary delays. About 107 firefighters are assigned to the Meason Fire.

The Willow Fire, in the Reserve Ranger District, is about 14 miles northeast of Reserve and eight miles southeast of Apache Creek. The fire is estimated to be about 5,320 acres in size and continues to exhibit low to moderate fire behavior. It is expected to move east toward Cottonwood and Long canyons. If traveling Forest Service roads in or near the fire the area, attempt to use alternative routes or be prepared for temporary travel delays. The Continental Divide Trail is closed between Forest Roads 47 and 94. Currently, 76 firefighting personnel are assigned to the fire.

For more information about current fire activity in the Gila National Forest, contact the fire information officer at (575) 388-8245 or visit the Web site at http://fs.usda.gov/gila .

The Pasco Fire, which started on Wednesday south of Lordsburg in Hidalgo County, is now estimated to be 40,000 acres, primarily burning grass and brush on a remote piece of private land. One ranch home is threatened by the fire and has been evacuated. High winds and hot temperatures kept fire crews busy Thursday. No containment has been reported. Multiple engines and three hot shot crews have been assigned to the fire along with other resources. The cause is under investigation.

Copyright 2009 Silver City Sun-News, a MediaNews Group Newspaper
All Rights Reserved
June 12, 2009

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