Looking for drawbacks beyond the difficulty hearing, look of helmet, water down back, or traditional is better, of the Euro helmet.

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Comment by Frank Rossi on February 23, 2020 at 9:21am
I agree completely.
Most of our guys want to stay traditional and all but a couple even like the euro helmets we have been forced to try.
That being said, our chief seems to be Stuck on it and I think the only way to avoid the purchase of the helmets that would mandate us to wear them would be articles or documentation supporting a reason not to switch.
I’m having a hard time finding anything aside from pro euro statements from short term trials and articles from euro helmet companies promoting the specific helmet itself.
I was hoping that posting here may find someone with more knowledge of this that would help with this dilemma.
I do appreciate your reply.
Comment by Ted Mead on February 22, 2020 at 9:38pm

that would be a hard one to answer as it goes into the zone of personal preferance.

you have to ask yourself if it fits all protection requirements and functionality.

I for instance prefer the traditional helmet ! its outstanding for head protection, 2 keeps the water from running down my back, and 3 is highly recognizable to the public as a hat of authority.

euro style tend to look a lot like a motorcycle helmet unless you are up close, But thats something each person needs to try out. second there needs to be public awareness of the difference should your department choose to switch to them.

Comment by Frank Rossi on February 21, 2020 at 1:22pm
Our Dept is going to the euro and I’d like to have some info and documentation that may help with their decision to stay with the current style. What I have found online seems to be either a few people in a Dept trying for 30 days and saying they liked them but doesn’t seem like there is much specific Info with documents or articles that speak to any negatives.
Any help would be appreciated.

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