What are your thoughts about them? What are your departments policies? Are they actually enforced? Is it tough to get compliance?

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Ah, those were the days, but... what safety belts? We just hung onto the back rail. We also put our coats on while going down the road! Hard to do one-handed but I remember doing it. Wonder what an OSHA inspector would say if he saw that happening.

We still have a 1984 pumper that has the back-up buzzer button. Newer pumpers don't have these - we have come a long ways in 20 years. Maybe 20 years from now the seat belt issue will be long behind us too.
I think this is simple.
1) It's the law.
2) The rules say so.
3) The damn things work.
There is no issue, you wear seatbelts everytime you get on the rig. Anything else is just an excuse. New Orleans has a policy that if one person on the rig is caught without it on, everyone on the rig gets disciplined. I think their chief takes it serious, so should everyonelse. I think its L.A. who now specs rigs with no SCBA in the cab, you pull up grab one from a compartment and sling it over your shoulder. If you cant do that in a timely manner its time to get back to the basics. Our dept changed the rule to no dressing out once the rig starts to move, everyone belted and seated. Yeah sometimes its a pain, but how much time do we realy save.
we have an 83 mack with the pack-up buzzer.
You'd think we were all adults, but our company officers are responsible for their crews, and it is their responsibility to ensure that everyone is buckled up before the parking brake is released. I don't care if they want to put on a straight jacket while we're in motion. They have to do it wearing a seatbelt.

Being a primarily paid-on-call dept. the first FF on the truck is usually completely dressed and the last one not so much. But that last guy is going to sit in his seat with his seatbelt on.

As for donning SCBA in the cab, I don't believe it saves much time, makes the seats uncomfortable, and causes the FF to spend time concentrating on other things when he/she should be concentrating on the radio, the scene, the officer's instructions, sizeup, etc. It's very likely that our next truck will NOT have SCBA in the seats.
In out department it isn't really inforced but I ware one. I've seen some nasty videos of fire truck roll overs in my VRT class and it wasn't pretty. The one cool thing I saw in that video was they started putting side-curtain air bags in trucks now. They make a "roll cage" like pillow the whole way around the inside compartment. If I can get ahold of the video I'll post it.
My opinion - Drive normal and safely and you won't need the seatbelt. Pretty simple if you ask me.
It's not YOU that I'm worried about.
This is not a hot button issue for me.
You wear them when you respond or you stay at the station and run the radio, make coffee, sweep the bay, trim the bushes...you know; real firefighter "stuff".
Wouldn't you know it; they wear them.
A good buddy of mine sent me this.
Maybe you have already seen it.
If not, allow some time for it to load.
Worth the wait. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNJ0YpOpyX4
ya my dept has the rule and the drives check if someone on the truck isnt wearing there seatbelt then they dont go if the truck leaves and your unbelted then you shouldnt be on the truck and ya we all listen we get suspended if we dont wear them and i think its a great poicie but you really cant be expected unless your an explorer to belt in cause some people cant due to the gear so
My opinion on the matter is, our packs are belted in with a quick release mechanism for when u arrive on scene, if ur secured to the pack then u r secured to the apparratus. Our insurance co. says wear them, NFPA says wear them, our dept heads says same, but overall its the Engineers decision. If he says wear them and u dont then the truck doesnt move. The truck moves only when the engineer is satisfied. Seatbelts are a 50/50 chance, Ive seen them kill just as many as they save, i believe it should be your own decision to in the matter, but dont blame anyone else if u make the wrong decision.

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