Music Poll: Am I the only person in the Fire Service who listens to Hard Core Music

I am taking this poll to see if other people besides me and a fellow brother in my dept. listen to hard core or metal music. So let's hear it, and if not what type of music makes you feel ALIVE inside when you listen to it.

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i like 80s new wave too,flock of seagulls, robert hazad,oingo boingo,cory hart,men at work,talk talk you name em i got em!!!!!
No Firecat- you were in love with Steven's big mouth and lips, not him...! :)
Lutan1 - You are tooooooooooo funny..............I loved his whole persona...! :o )
Ken - I think you will find Lords of Acid very interesting...let us know what you think about the bands you check out.

:o )
I love metal! Metallica, Slayer, Rammstein, Otep, System, etc.
Ken - Your welcome... I'm glad you like them.
Just don't listen to them with any kids around. I made that mistake once and the son who was 7 at teh time started going sround signing, "I wanna' see your p****y show it to me!" Needless to say some jaws dropped by the neighbors...lmao.
Ken - I'm sorry I should have warned you, I don't have any children so It didn't cross my mind.
Never heard of them but I guess I will need to go take a listen.
Demon Hunter is a cool band and Christian if im not mistakin.
Lords of Acid is a very interesting band! Seen them at a show in Richmond years ago. They really like SEX!!!! and talking about it in every way.

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