Wayne Martin Harvey's Comments

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At 10:06pm on February 20, 2020, carol jacques said…

I have Quebec, Canada patch if you still have some to trade thanks

At 10:30pm on March 18, 2011, Michael said…
Hey Wayne

I got ur patch today cool and thx. I will put urs n the mail tomorrow please let me know when u get it. And if u want to trade more even if they r the same patch let me know I have alot of different st. louis patches.
At 2:54am on March 15, 2011, Andrew said…
My address e-mail - tkachenko_van@optima.com.uа, please contact me and arrange an exchange. I would be happy to share! Good luck! Andrew.
At 8:26am on January 31, 2011, Michael said…
Michael Wojick
5316 Blow St.
ST. Louis, MO 63109
At 10:18pm on January 23, 2011, Kent said…

Are you interested in trading patches? Email me at kentheg@yahoo.com if you are interested.

At 10:46am on October 17, 2010, firemaze said…
Sounds good Wayne send it to 7314 South 49 Ave Omaha Neb 68157. Thanks and be safe.
At 3:57am on October 2, 2010, Gabriele said…
I do not know if you got my previous message. I am willing to exchange patches. My email address is: pouget@tiscali.it
Contact me to exchange.
Thank you and good life
At 6:25pm on September 25, 2010, Amanda Munden said…
My address is 89 N 4th St Scottsburg, IN 47170, USA. Thank you so much for sending me a patch! I really appreciate it :)
At 11:27am on May 6, 2010, Peter Barriscale said…
Hi Wayne,

I appreciate your accepting the friendship invitation. I hope all goes well for you and your family there.
I felt the same about being redeployed on promotion at first. I had been in the station for 9 years at the time and was being deployed to another watch in another station on promotion from firefighter to Sub-Officer. I swapped to stay on my own watch and was sent back to my own station within a week. A situation arose the second night on duty where I gave an order to deal with a minor incident a certain way and went back to the truck to talk to control. When I got back, things had been done differently and one of my best mates was the main guy involved. I corrected the situation but had to have words on a professional basis with him when we got back to the station, which he was not pleased about, and neither was I. It was not easy or pleasant but it had to be done. He acknowledged my position the next day on and we remain the best of friends.
If I had just gone to the new posting I would not have had that unpleasant experience.
after a while you slot into the new place anyway and I have moved a couple of times through promotion since without a problem.
At 2:51pm on April 25, 2010, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Wayne,

me again.... my address is:

Daniel Garvin
4399 Viau Street
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
H9H 3B1

Please send me yours. Thanks again.
At 2:50pm on April 25, 2010, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Wayne!! I would be very appreciative of that patch if you could send one along. What do you prefer in return? Bless you bro!!! Thanks...Stay safe.

At 1:21pm on April 24, 2010, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hello Wayne,
Have you any patches other than Johannesburg FD? I have that patch already but am looking for other departments within South Africa. I collect Fire/ Police/ EMS/ Prison Guard and border patrol. I appreciate you getting back to me bro. I pray you are well. Please stay safe!!! God bless.

At 3:27pm on December 1, 2009, Lars Ågerstrand said…
Hi Wayne!

My name is Lars and I work for the fire service in Sweden.

I am looking for powerpoints or other training materials from South Africa, do you think that you could help me with that?

I am collecting training material from lots of countries and stations to gather them on a website. The website will be a great tool later to view how different countries and stations work in different situations.

So do you think that is possible?

Best regards / Lars
At 9:09pm on July 23, 2009, Deputy Dog (Jay) said…
I would just like to say hello. I am a deputy chief with a vol fire dep in Canada. I want to invite you to check out my website and sign up for my free firefighter monthly newsletter. We have members in Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa I hope to hear from you soon.
At 6:38pm on June 23, 2009, firechief911 said…
thanks for the invite 46 is cool to join up stay safe out there
At 10:45am on January 29, 2009, BRENDAN WHITEHEAD said…
You are invited to our gowing away doo. You and your wife are welcome . Please extend this invite to Mr Mann and Mindy. It will be on the 7 Feb at 14h00. I know you are night shift but you can pop in for a nibble before shift ( own drinks) RSVP me ON CELL before Wed 4 Feb will sms directions if needed.
At 12:02pm on January 27, 2009, BRENDAN WHITEHEAD said…
We will be flying out on the 16 Feb 09. Will have a get together before then. Will let you know when.
At 12:05pm on January 24, 2009, BRENDAN WHITEHEAD said…
will come see you all at stn before i leave for aus
At 10:30am on June 21, 2008, Sewes said…
Hi Wayne
good to see some South Africans
on the web
Keep Safe See some Day
At 9:25pm on October 21, 2007, usenza1 said…

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