I'm keen to hear different ways that departments are providing incentives for volunteers to train and respond.

I've heard that some FD's offer allowances, some areas get tax breaks, etc.

What's in it for you to volunteer and to continue to volunteer?

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That was $10 an Hour on one FD and $12 a call on another.  If you respond to the station and remain to help put rigs back in service you get paid, even if you never made it to the scene.

If we have to provide incentive / pay people to volunteer then thay aren't really volunteers. If people are "volunteering" because of the incentives then, are they there for the incentives or are they there to "serve" the community?

If your volunteer dept. has the tax base to provide incentives then thats good. Most of us don't have that kind of tax base or town to provide support.

We stive for a professional fire service attitude with-in our deptartment and the Officer act in a proffesional manner on and off duty. Classes and conferences are made available to all Firefighters and EMTs both with-in the state and out of state as a means of building the proffesionalism and pride of being a Firefighter.

We have an annual banquet where we recognize our Firefighters for thier acheivements that year, longevity as well as the families for the support they give the Firefighters.


May I suggest you put away your holier than thou attitude. 

Jeff wrote, "Classes and conferences are made available to all Firefighters and EMTs both with-in the state and out of state as a means of building the proffesionalism and pride of being a Firefighter."

Don't look now Jeff, but that's an incentive!

I don't think people go looking for them, but if they're there and they work, then I have no issue with them....

Both departments I am a member of are LOSAP departments.

It certainly is. Most departments require a set amount of years before oyu can use the money. I know my department you must have five years of LOSAP eligibility to be able to make a request to withdrawl the money. I know that my LOSAP goes to 50% in an account that does nothing and the other 50% is invested to maybe gain money if the market is right. IT's an incentive to help those who volunteer to have money to fall back on if they hit hard times for whatever reason. It's how it was explained ot me and I've noticed i

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