By signing your name by clicking reply here, I am hearby agreeing that I will

1. Wear my seat belt while responding to or returning from any fire call, whether Apparatus or POV.

2. Exercise Due regard while driving, regardless of the nature of the call.

3. Exercise Safety on the fire ground, and always watch out for the safety of those around me.

4. Treat all firefighters fairly and with equality. (regardless of sex, or race)

5. Promote training to everyone on my department, and commit myself into the training my department offers.

It sounds foolish, but hopefully we can start a trend to getting eyes opened to the way things should be. Please type Name and Department

Revised addition 28/FEB/08

I plan on taking the masses of signatures and printing off copies. I plan on going to Local Legislature and working my way up to the State level to try and secure some more support (via elected officials) to end this seat belt controversy once and for all on a National Level. Once I have secured my states ear on the matter, I am willing and prepared to move to other states in my area to also Lobby the movement as well. If you all are as willing as I am to make a stand, sign on board and be part of the Movement. I will be posting segments updating progress here and on my blog. I do plan on trying to get as many signatures as I can to show we have overwhelming support as well. Keep the Signatures coming, and thank you

Revision 05/MAR/08
I want to thank all whom have signed and for your thoughts and opinions on the matter. These names will be a great help. Feel free for additional commentary on the matter at a seperate forum Post started by my good friend FASNY Training.
The site is

This has been used to bump it to the top of the forum postings on the main page but also as a commentary and support section as we try to get this moved along.
Thanks again.


I am psyched at the vitality this has taken on today. Thank you to WebChief for sparking the newest wave of signatures. This new wave is inspiring to continue on the mission of pestering the hell out of any politician who will bother to respond. I have gotten at least a dozen "we received your letter and due to volume can't respond to all"
If ANY of you out there want to do more, start writing your congressional delegates. Include the pledge. Show them that we are truely 1 nation who is done with the lack of seat belt's causing LODD's
Thank you all again for all the help and your pledges.


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Dennis K Schoen Jr
Firefighter EMT HazMat Technician
Sunland Park Fire Department
Here is a letter I sent to Senator Byrd (west Virginia) regarding seat belt useage. Give me thoughts for improvements so I can continue my way down the ladder to every Senator and Representative in our Congress.

Hello Senator Byrd.
My name is Michael Deniger Sr, and I am a volunteer firefighter in Rhode Island. The reason for my email to you (and other congressional members) is that I have a idea to help promote further safety to all firefighters across our beautiful nation. The safety aspect I would like to see become law for all states is Seat Belt useage for all emergency responders. There are a number of states that still either don't have a law providing responders with a mandate to wear seat belts, or they have an "out clause" exempting first responders from seat belt useage.
Responders are using emergency lights and sirens and traveling (generally) in a rapid manner. No matter how much due regard is used, accidents happen and the seat belts will save lives. It is terrible to open a NIOSH report and see another motor vehical accident killing a firefighter and seat belt not used being one of the factors.
I ask you, and your fellow senators to change the ways of these "left behind" states, and issue an across the country mandate that all responders wear their seat belts.
I started a pledge on a website for firefighters by firefighters ( and to date I have around 600 signatures of folks that feel the same way I do. Please feel free to read through some of the commentary, and to join the site and leave a comment of support for the seat belt cause.
Seat belts save lives. How can we be any help to any taxpaying citizen in the community we are there to protect if we are dead because we were too stubborn, or too foolish to fasten the seat belt?
Thank you for your time, and I hope to be in further contact with you in the future.

Michael S. Deniger Sr
this letter also mirrors for the most part the letter I sent to Senator Kerry.
Outstanding job 913 -- if ever there was a Senator dedicated to the fire-rescue-EMS services, it's Sen. Kerry.

Lt. Rich Bliven
Louisville, KY
Daniel W Smith
F/F emt-b
UMCD fire department
I pledge!
Reg Mathis
Murray County Fire Department
Chatsworth, GA
Rick Barton-Rhan
Colby FD , KS.
FF Colby E. Dobbins

Duncaville Volunteer Fire Department/ Englewood-Hulls Station
Rick1126, I think everone should take the pledge, I mean EMS personnel too!
Robert Moore
Three Rivers Fire District
Coshocton Ohio

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