Took this with a cell phone camera so sorry for the quality. This is a life size lego rendering of a female FF at Legoland. Don't know if the only way for them to portray this was to have her putting on lipstick in full PPE.

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2 wrongs do not make a right... they are just 2 wrongs...

YES - it REALLY is an issue !!!

Too many female firefighters "have gotten use to" this type of belittling and many just have given up on saying anything about it in order to keep the peace with the men... and just focus their energy on their job instead of their personal rights
Take a pill, honey.
I agree with WP, you are taking this way too personally and have failed to see the big picture here....take a chill pill.

There is nothing harassing, nor offensive about this, no matter how much you want to twist it around.

This is Legos....TOYS....ever play with Legos as a kid? I sure have. The Lego figures alone did not denote a gender, there was hair which could be placed on the head to denote boy or girl, hats from police hats or fire helmets to space helmets, etc. In the end it was left to the child's imagination in what they did.

Now you got your panties all in a twist here on a Lego statue depicting a female firefighter and you are truly stretching the basis here. To gripe that girls will believe female firefighters apply makeup on the job or that boys believe this is what female firefighters do is an absolute stretch.......If anyone, ANYONE, looks at a toy to be an actual depiction of any job, then that is a problem. While you are griping about this statue and how young girls and boys will take it, please tell me how to show that firefighters do NOT wear turnouts all the time. These are toys.

So as such, since this IS a toy, please Heather, enlighten us on how Lego (a toy manufacturer) should thus depict the female firefighter and yet also assure that those little girls understand that the firefighter is also female? If a firefighter is in full PPE and has a mask on, you aren't going to discern it that way.

In the end you have to look at the bigger picture here. You have a TOY manufacturer that wants to sell that toy. The manufacturer knows their toy is predominantly a boy's toy, but girls also play and how can you get more girls to buy? How about depicting women in jobs that can still be viewed as traditionally male jobs, like police and firefighter. Now sure it is easy to depict a female police officer moreso than a firefighter, so how else to show that women ARE in the fire service, by a Lego statue?

To think that someone looks at a toy and believes that to be the true actual fact of any representation of a job, etc is hogwash. All military are not as GI Joe depicts, all police and fire are not as Lego, Little People, etc depicts. You are taking offense to something so minor and trivial and yet promote a frivolous pursuit of unnecessary litigation means, by implying this is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

In the end, there is nothing offensive about this, in the end this is a toy manufacturer promoting the fact there are women in the fire service, in the end, how else do you depict a woman firefighter that ANYONE could easily ascertain as female?
"was the male firefighter checking out his ass in the mirror"

Hell no, it's the full profile shot and typically occurs Only if C shift is on duty. I believe only girls and gay guys check out butts hence the skew in your observations. Just sayin'
It doesn't offend me. In fact I think it is hilarious. I have seen my share of both men and women FF's do a little primping from time to time, yes, even in full turn out gear. :)
I don't see an issue with it, though the shade of lipstick is not really to my liking. I prefer a darker one..... ;-)

BTW, how do we know it's a female? Couldn't it be a long haired, cross dressing male, confused about his orientation?
Wrong. The photo does not depict a firefighter of either gender. The photo depicts a collection of plastic building blocks stuck toghether. In other words, it's a toy.

Your experience as a female firefighter is meaningless to your original claim. You claimed that you had not seen any female firefighters doing this.

I have. Ergo, your data set is inadequate and unreliable. The gender of the observer is meaningless to observation. In fact, your bias indicates that your self-claimed "expertise" in this discussion isn't reliable, either.

And...if female firefighters want to apply lipstick while in their gear, unless the individual department has a rule agains it, that's THEIR choice. How each female firefighter wants to appear is up to them, not to you.
Great, now we have to withstand all of that drama from little boys thinking that all male firefighters are Santa Claus, right?
thank you for illustrating my point perfectly
I mean, I'm personally soooooooo distraught at the (potential for) catastrophic damage to young, female psyches, subjected to such a degrading, demeaning depiction. I mean, really!!!!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!!! [assuming the hands-on-hips position to clearly express massive dissatisfaction with all of those who simply do NOT get IT and disagree with the point that the statue is SOOOOOOOOO wrong on SOOOOOO many levels]
Sheesh.....someone needs to get a life (maybe an actual, firefighter one)
L H H,

No problem. But do yourself a favor and take that pill.

It's all a matter of perspective Lutan... and we all see things just a little bit differently sometimes. That's what makes people fun. You just have to remind yourself sometimes that it's not important who wins the game... It's more important where you are going for pizza afterwards...

Note: They do have pizza in Australia, right?

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