The Vol. Fire Service is a great way to serve others. Unlike paid is voluntary. My point is this..if a FF is  for the most part...getting hurt during a fire scene/or at fire school training..getting back wacked out, on the very first exercise., doesn't really know some basic FF knowledge. When does this FF become a liability to the Dept. We do not have any requirement for entry in; other than a background check. I have asked our Trustees about this, and have not got a real answer. It appears the 'lawsuit' cloud hangs over this subject/or some other possible legal action. However, what if this FF injures another, etc...etc.

I think thi needs to be dealt with sooner than later; and we need to adopt some guidlines to protect ourselves and the Dept.

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Sorry...(hang head with puppy dog eyes)...Thats just what they want to be called in our department and it has been like that in other deprartments as well.
I have a female chief that I respect the world of and would do anything for. I had a female EMS Captain and thought she was doing an awesome job. I never think of that though, its never what sex, color, religion or creed you are, its weather or not you can do the job and not whine about the training! lol

My wife was a Firefighter II/EMT (going for Paramedic) before she got pregnant with our daughter, and now she just wants to be a mother. I will get her back in the department though, she was good at it and Im proud of her.
Exactly. Its amazing how much difference a signature makes. Hand them all the SOP's with the application and tell them to READ them before signing. If they break the SOP their signature is right there on the bottom...

And when they start to whine and complain about training hours, flip them a copy of the dept SOP and By-laws with their signature stating the read and agreed to the terms of membership.

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