Obama decided to visit some FDNY firefighters over the past few days after the killing of Osama.


My question to you all is, and it's relatively opinionated as facts cannot truly be proven: Do you think that the primary reason that Obama visited the FDNY is because he truly cares for our emergency personnel, or because he's looking for a boost in his numbers?


Obama, not to my recollection, hasn't visited a PD/FD/EMS Station prior, only after the death of Osama.


Was it a publicity stunt?


My opinion: I am not heavily into politics, but I am intelligent enough to understand political maneuvers such as this. I believe, whole-heartedly, that it was a publicity stunt. If Obama truly cared, he would have been visiting fire houses and police stations long ago, not just in the past week.


What do you all think of this?


And please, keep it relatively friendly.

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is that bush in the middle? September 11, 2006

please read what i wrote. you just like making up your own conclusions. i done here.....bma have a life
Ray, I could be mistaken, maybe he visited twice. Why do you NOT include links so I can see the source?

Also, please remind me how bush's visit(s) was NOT political but Obama's was?

It would appear you are at LEAST as guilty "making things up." I at least include links as opposed to your presumed, god-like omniscience.

Also, nice DODGE on the previous issue about Obama AGAINST the 9/11 health bill. Obviously you prefer to deal with bullshit rather than fact. Not really surprised here.

P,s, I too have a life, a really good one, in fact, just had a nice vaca in Italy. How's your life. Cheers
I work where Obama flies into when he visits Cape Cod ,,, he hasn't stepped one foot in this station except to pee ,,,, ya you but your ass it was all PR ! George W did the right thing by staying away too ,,,, let the stations and families deal with the missions sucess in their own ways, all he had to do was mention something in one of his TV appearences ,,,,

with that, I'm proud to be an american and will support this country and those fighting to keep it safe 110 % ,,,, god bless our Navy Seals for a job well done !
Funny how certain people are CONVINCED that Obama is there (somewhere, anywhere) JUST for the publicity/political gain. Yet remain unabashedly ignorant and willfully stupid when it comes to the things that Bush did. Funny how that works.

I guess in the end, all one really has to say is; how proud one is to be an american, how great america is and that (some, usually a christian) god should take a break from his universal duties and, with proper encouragement, bless america and it automatically makes that person (and their argument) correct. And people think Education is expensive.
Andrew you hit it on the head. This is a point scoring chance for our...uhm..uhm..the guy in the white house. I have no stomach for this c#$%p!!! You care NOW that it looks good for you...youb#@$%^^^&*&*&^%$#$$#. The 'PRES' didn't do the job...it was Seal Team 6, and the other men and women who gathered the intel. Sorry I've got to stop...I'm getting mad!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless all & God Bless our Nation/and the FFN.
Since when have you NOT seen a politician play the numbers game.
I guess in the end, all one really has to say is; how proud one is to be an american, how great america is and that (some, usually a christian) god should take a break from his universal duties and, with proper encouragement, bless america and it automatically makes that person (and their argument) correct. And people think Education is expensive. Jack/dt
There sure are, Vic. And your right, the democrats don't pander to them, they pander to a different constituency.

I also agree there are legitimate reasons to oppose President Obama, as there were for previous presidents. And unfortunately, the baseless horsecrap being flung at him - and his predecessors - is unlikely to end anytime soon.

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