Bin Laden's Death.. how do you feel about and what are some of your thoughts on everything that is happing?

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Hmmmm.........was it the omniscient act of He Who Shall Not Be Named? Or was it result of one youngster's whiz bang hissy fit, picking up his ball and going home?

No worries mate, no judgments here. I like Aussies, you're a straight forward bunch of alcoholics criminal descendants
inebriated bastards nice folks. Apparently some of your pups just need a bit more
beating discipline.
You crack me up Jack....
You say that like those are bad things Jack.

Betwixt toilets flushing the wrong way and driving on the wrong side of the road, I'm not so sure about you folks.
Stop with the insults!!!!

We drive on the CORERCT side of the road... :-)

A month in Oz and I needed to detox for 6. WHAT is it with you aussies and skulling your drinks? Cripes, it's like you're afraid someone is going to come and steal your drink.

The toilets I used didn't appear to flush one way or the other, some damn Aussie crapper that just flooded the toilet from all sides and drowned the poop. Apparently water conservation is NOT an issue in Oz.

Then again, I was lucky to be staying at a place that actually had indoor plumbing.
Here in the states, we spell it correct.
But if you can't drive that way, there's no expectation that you will spell it that way either.
And the hits just keep on coming.

Thanks for spelling correction, Jack. As for the other thing, I really didn't need to know.
the world is a better place.
So we should have left him alone, and alive?
That door is open with him or without him. Without him, one of those doors - a REALLY BIG DOOR - is shut forever.

A lot of the little doors won't be able to open without OBL's money, connections, organizational skills, and mystique, too.
Norm, please don't take this so literally. I'm sure that the SEAL Team 6 "disbanding" was strickly a disinformation move. The same operators at DevGru or whatever they want to call it did the same job for the same reasons after the team was supposedly disbanded.

That's the way some of the cloak-and-dagger stuff works.

BZ - not a SEAL, just a retired firefighter, but he is definately one of the good guys!

Two counterpoints here:

1) Habeus corpus applies to criminal law, not to prisoners of war. Terrorists are prisoners of war, so your well-researched points about habeus corpus are moot when those terrorists are aliens.

2) The Constitution does not now, nas not, and never will give the same rights to enemy combatants as it does to criminal suspects.

Thus, your last point is moot, because no liberty has been given up by anyone to whom your research applies.

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