Bin Laden's Death.. how do you feel about and what are some of your thoughts on everything that is happing?

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Straw man alert.
Feel better now that you got the non-pertinent perjoratives off your chest?
What, we can't just let them kill us so we can claim some percieved "higher moral ground"?

(That was semi-rhetorical.)

The problem with the perceptions of the percieved higher moral ground is an age-old problem of projecting your standards, thought processes, and cultural norms on your enemies. The Japanese did that with their disasterous plan to conquer Midway, the Aleutians, and a couple of sideshow islands at the same time, and we see how that worked out for them.

The problem with that "higher moral ground" projection that some folks place on religion-based extremists is that those extremists perceive our stance as weakness that begs for additional attacks. In order to really win that battle, the primary requirement is better intelligence, better interdiction, and superior firepower. Anything less may make some of us feel good, but it is likely to make others of us prematurely dead or "coming home in pieces".
Specifically what liberty did we give up for safety - either temporary or otherwise?
Here is how I feel about it "Bin Laden is standing before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, suddenly St. Peter gets a tap on the shoulder. Behind him in Heaven, stand 343 firemen, 72 police officers, one k9 officer, 3,000 American citizens & over 5,000 soldiers. "Don't worry St. Peter, we got this!!!"
he gone ! do i feel, it should have happened all time ago ! one less asshole!sorry
I apologize for my reaction. Was BZ a Seal? Could he be a good guy?
I guess there's one in every crowd.

In your world, what would constitute "proof" that bin Laden was responsible for 9/11, "proof" that he ever existed, and "proof" that he's actually dead?
Does it matter that he admitted to it?

No proof he's existed?

Lemme guess, WTC 9 was brought down by explosives and 1 and 2 were an inside job because no high-rise has ever collapsed like that before, right?

No video of the jet-liner going into the Pentagon, so that's a hoax as well?

I can somewhat agree on the last point. Although, it is much more likely that he is dead to keep him from doing a Wikileaks type thing to the CIA, since we did arm and train him as a freedom fighter back in the 80's.
"Specifically what liberty did we give up for safety - either temporary or otherwise?"


(a) IN GENERAL- The Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 236 the following:

‘‘(2) RELEASE.
as provided in paragraph (6), such custody shall be maintained
irrespective of any relief from removal for which the alien
may be eligible, or any relief from removal granted the alien,
until the Attorney General determines that the alien is no
longer an alien who may be certified under paragraph (3).

The Constitution, Rights and Laws applies equally for any person in the U.S. Suspension of Habeas Corpus violates the Constitution.
A writ of habeas corpus is a judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody.

In Brown v. Vasquez, 952 F.2d 1164, 1166 (9th Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 112 S.Ct. 1778 (1992), the court observed that the Supreme Court has "recognized the fact that`[t]he writ of habeas corpus is the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against arbitrary and lawless state action.'

Then there is this:
‘‘(5) the term ‘domestic terrorism’ means activities that—
‘‘(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are
a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or
of any State;
‘‘(B) appear [emphasis added]to be intended—
‘‘(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
‘‘(ii) to influence the policy of a government by
intimidation or coercion; or
‘‘(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by
mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
‘‘(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction
of the United States.’’.

The above definition of "domestic terrorist' could be applied to any group that is at odds with a present administration, e.g. one could consider the tea party to eligible under the above definition, as they might appear:
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by
intimidation or coercion;

Even IF the P.A. (or certain provisions) sunsets, it STILL qualifies as 'liberty given up for safety...temporarily.
I am so in tears right now from laughing.... Thanks Jack.
I am glad that Bin Laden is out of the picture, but I now am concerned about others who will take his place and try to avenge his death. I thought it was a smart move to no release the photos as I am sure that would incite the extremists.

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