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While I agree that a lot of tattoos are idiotic in nature,

Who are you to decide what someone else thinks of a work of art. Art is subjective by nature. Talk about arrogance.

Are you saying that if Walt Disney had a tattoo of Mickey it would be idiotic?

What's to keep me from saying having your daughter's name tattooed on you is stupid, because I'm from China and it's just a bunch of weird characters?

This one beats out bubba's post, by a long, long, long shot.
Duh, that's why I'm not an artiste, graffiti or otherwise. It's also why I don't open shop as a mutilator of other humans.

Just saw Jack's reply. I'll keep my yap shut, he's doing a far better job of schooling Andrew than I am.

Cheers Jack!
Banging head against wall while saying, what a dummy I am.

Yes, an UNlock key.
You nicked him, I smelled blood in the water.
If i put an offensive decal on my helmet, or patch on my turnouts I may agree with you. But what i do with my personal body is none of youR *#&$% bussiness! If you dont want to see it, dont look!
So if you are helping a patient and they are offended by your tatoo are you going to tell them "don't like it, don't look"?
But of course, it's none of their *#&$% bussiness.

It does make me wonder if it is any of their business, though.
I doubt if you would ever do that. Big words could bite you later on....
How is an offensive decal or patch different from an offensive tattoo?
As far as what you do to your body, I couldn't care less, but if you have an offensive tattoo visible, what...I should pretend you're invisible? I guess, if I find something offensive it becomes my business.

And why is it that the one's that take the most umbrage are ALWAYS the ones with the tats? Seems to me, if you feel the need to mark up your body, you should at least have thick(er) skin (pun intended).

So ONLY those that agree with a discussion are entitled to reply?
Reread the title of the post, the OP asked;

P.s. Think of my comments as an electronic tattoo...if you don't like it, don't read it!
If i put an offensive decal on my helmet, or patch on my turnouts I may agree with you. But what i do with my personal body is none of youR *#&$% bussiness! If you dont want to see it, dont look!

In some cases FF's buy their own turnouts, so are you saying there shouldn't be any accountability or say on what is displayed? Sure it is your own body, but look at the big picture, when it comes to visible tatoos, there are standards. What you have on your body IS your own business, until your personal business affects the job and professionalism of the dept.

For instance, you can have a tattoo of a swastika, etc and that is your own personal business, but such a mark can affect the image and professionalism of the dept. Don't want to see it, don't look??? Nah, how about having something which can be easily covered up when on the job.
P.s. Think of my comments as an electronic tattoo...if you don't like it, don't read it!

I believe this would be called a checkmate.

I completely agree with Jack. If you want to deface\mutilate your body, fine, no problem. Just don't make it a problem for everyone else because you think you have the right to flaunt it.

Some of you may not realize that the Constitution and rights given us in the Bill or Rights can be abridged, altered, or even totally suspended as soon as you sign the dotted line that makes you an employee. Those rights only apply to government abridging, altering or suspending them, not private companies or employers.

If you choose to work for me, one of my requirements is no visible tats. No body jewelry (piercings) either. I have the right as an employer to limit your freedom of expression. This has been upheld, time after time after time. You also don't have freedom of speech when working for me. This too, has been upheld.

I can go on and on with rights that are abridged or suspended that are "guaranteed" by the Constitution, legally because I'm not the government.

So any employer--public or private--can require your artistic expressions to be covered if they deem it in the best interests of the "business".

On top of that freedom of speech does not mean that you are guaranteed to be heard, it just means you can say just about anything you want. It doesn't mean anyone is going to listen or watch or care.
First, I have two. Both are located where only I know of them unless I want to show you. Second, I said nothing about them being offensive, I simply stated you have no right to tell me what i can do with my own body. If they were offensive thats a wholeother issue, maybe you should reread the title!

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