check out my Females in the Fire service Group. I am not man bashing at all. I am just stating that i believe women that can do the job deserve equality!!! I do understand that there are women out there that cant...'cuz I have them on my department TOO, however those are the ones that give chics like me who love to get dirty and get hot ( in a fire the that is) a bad name. Tell me your thoughts.

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I agree with this true trying is not good but they can always be put to some other area until they can get going and do what needs to be done . I will say this there is only two women in my department that i trust that is my asst. chief wife because she has done what it took to get it done. The other is my wife she knows what it takes to protect everyone on the scene so we all go home.
yeah i checked...not allowed to have it :(
i assure you, not worrying about the color of my hood while i'm on scene :)
well, if other people get offended by me wearing the color pink, first off, i don't give a damn, second off then they aren't thinking about the right thing on a fire scene. saying that my hood being pink would change my ability to be firefihghter is the same as saying that those with black gear are less of firefighters

(p.s. i'm drunk excuse me ifd this doesnt make sense!)
regardless of what you'd like, you have already said you are not allowed to wear it, so that really puts the point to rest.

Philly bro... I don't agree with you on her being less of a firefighter.. I do however agree that perception wise, it would be detrimental, especially with other firefighters. I do not think her being "girly" affects if she can or cannot do the job...I get your point, I understand you argument, but it seems to me to be more of a PR or morale issue not one of ability. One that would need to be addressed for those implications.
it puts the point to rest that i can't wear it, not that philly is being a d-bag! but thank you very much. but in my experience, it helps with pr. people are sometimes almost refreshed that there is a young attractive competant female in the fd. it also helps when girl scout troops visit the fd. ive never had my girliness be detrimental! but i understand why you would think so!...but thanks for being nice about it!
It's not that it would be detrimental to you, however on a morale and PR level it could be. To have you singled out as a female and made a spectacle of is good to a certain extent, and for PR with kids groups and things of that nature it's worth it's weight in gold, especially with a vollie dept. Fundrasing is key to exsistance in many vollie organizations so it could be a selling point. I just don't believe anyone should ever be singled out, we all work together and for that we should all look close or the same, we are a team and as such should be outfitted the same, or as close as possible.

As an officer I see many problems the pink hood. I allow the firefighters in my company to chose a better quality hood if they like, and want to spend money on a hood. However it must be in the traditional nomex hood color, white or black, and naturally it must be NFPA approved. The fire scene is no place for a fashion statement, We also limit the stickers on the helmet, other than trapezoids firefighters are only allowed one sticker, one flag, and one 9/11 memorial sticker thats it. The only exception is EMTs who may choose to wear a star of life over two trapezoids or a state EMT patch sticker. Believe me even with that some helmets look less of firefighting gear and more of a clown hat. Again the firescene is no place for a fashion statement.
I understand morale is key in any department paid or volunteer. Morale is a direct reflection on the leadership of the officers of the company and department. For that reason if this hood were an issue in my firehouse I would not allow it. I have my reasons and I will not allow it much like a tie dye, rainbow, or flamed hood would not be allowed.

I'm only saying I do not agree with your statement that it takes away from her ability as a firefighter. I find it hard to believe what you wear makes anyone any more or less able of doing the job. It's like trying to argue that there is a difference between a firefighter who wears black gear and one who wears PBI gold, there is no difference, they are still just as capable or incapable whichever they may be. On the morale and PR issue I agree that it should not be allowed.
Simply put I agree that the hood would show a poor state of mind, and a lack of focus on the job. it would definitely create doubt about her abilities and why she was there, however I still maintain she can still have the ABILITY to do the job (sorry it's the Ex-TO in me coming out). I will go along with your point that it shows her priorities are not straight, and where they need to be. I think that is less of a male female issue and more of the influx of Gen Y into the workforce. I think we are going to see more of this from both sides of the gender pool...
i agree with you so much. just b/c we r women doesnt mean we cant do the same things we can. most things they think they r better at women can usually do it better. even if u r a women at a fire getting ready to do something the "men" think they need to come and take over. women can handle theirself leave them do it
you and them boxing gloves, whats wrong with you mate LOL
I guess I am lucky...I have never found this to be an issue, at least in our department. I asked the other (2) women and they agreed that we have not had these issues. But we do understand what you are saying. We have seen it in other deapartments and have felt resistance from them as well. We are very lucky in that the men in our department will stand by our side in any situation and back us up if needed.

Just a fun fact for all of you women out of our nieghboring departments was, until recently, made up of more than 75% women including the chief, asst. chiefs, and captains!

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