ok its easy ad a number and ur anwser and repost lest see how it goes, question is what is ur greatest fear?

1) little jon ( being alone when i die)

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That call was made on LADDER 49.
My biggest fear would have to be having a brother go down on a scene; especially if it were my husband.
I would hate to be the one who would have to make that call, it would eat at you the rest of ur life.
Making a mistake that causes the death of one of my brothers.
My biggest fear is leaving with 4 and coming back with 3, or something like that.
that would really suck hope it never happens be safe both of you god bless
Making a mistake and costing a life
leaving my family alone if something were to happen to me. my last thoughts would be:"Did I let them know I loved them often enough?"
I responded to a medical call; jeep vs tractor trailer w/entrapment on Rt 80 in my town. My 17yo daughter just left for school in her jeep down rt 80. I knew the best way for me to get to the scene was in the ambulance, so I went as crew. The mix of emotions to get on scene, relief that it wasn't my daughter, guilt that I was relieved that it was one of her classmates. The boy was lifestarred (is that a verb?) to Yale, remarkably only a broken leg. My biggest fear...next time.
Thanks Ed, you know what gets you are not the things that you fear, but the things that blind side you, that you never even considered EVER happening
Responding on a bad call and it being a family member or friend.
Losing my children. I first responded to my Mother's MI years ago and I absolutley have a fear of having to do something like that again.

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